Burning my Soul (Dhez POV)

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I was 17 when we went back to Japan. I was so thin because of my depresssion and mom always bring me around japan to cheer me up.

One time while we were in a cafe I heard a group singing outside. Curiosity got the better of me that I ventured out and listen to them.

They were four young men who had long hair. they sing covers but incorporate their own style into it.

No one was listening, but they didnt mind. They just played. Then after they finished playing they smile at each other seemed to be happy fools.

I look at them from the cafe and I wondered, how come these guys are happy when no one was listening?  

After a week, we went to Yoyogi Park near Harajuku station. My mom said I should go out more so I can free my mind from worries.

I was surprised to find the guys playing there again, but there were only three of them this time. 

There are at least 30 people who are listening to them sing.

My mom saw that Im interested and she motioned me to go near the band.

Inspite of myself I enjoyed their songs. It might be the first time that I smiled again after a long time. 

I listened until they stopped playing and gathered their equipment.

The next week, I went back to the park but they maybe move to a different place. I didnt see them again.

I sat on one of the bench and gathered some cherry blossoms. Its almost winter and the flowers lost their beautiful color.

Theres not a lot of them on the ground. I pick some up and I keep thinking back to that summer when I met Hyun. I remember his smile. His eyes. Then I started humming.

I put my heart into the song and sang until I felt all my burdens released.

I remembered the happy faces of the four guys that sang outside the cafe near the train station as I sing.

No one was there to appreciate them but they are happy playing to their hearts content. How can I feel down after all that my mom showed more than enough love for me.

Their positiveness inspite of their situation made me realize that I have to live again. If not for me then for my mom who loves me so much.

I walked with happy steps. I wanted to tell mom what I felt.

Im so happy. There and then, I decided to study again.

I got so much to thank for.

I  would like to say thank you to the guys that I saw playing. So i sought them.

I was listening to them one time, when I heard the tallest guy called thir leader Hyun.

I did a double take. Could it be him? But thats so big a coincidence that I shrugged it off.

There I met Sachiko and Mei. Like me they were listening and got interested with the group. We followed them to every performance and even asked my mom to accompany us to the club where they played.

I specially like their leader. He has a very good voice. One that might soothed all your fears and calm you.

The next time we see them they are four again. Then they started playing their own songs.

The new guy was an actor and we all watched him. He happen to be the leader because he is the oldest. So the leader that I've been listening to is the second oldest who took leadership when the oldest left to act.

The other guy was good. He has this look of an entertainer that he captures your interest and make you want to know more.

But, I was drawn to the second one. The quiet type who just sit after a performance. He is so serious but when he smiles your heart will melt.

There's only one dimple that can dare compete with his. Thats my Hyun's dimple.


That was the start. Sachiko , Mei and I became the first members and created a webpage for them.

Looking back at that time, I didnt know that I will meet Hyun again.

I am the moderator for the Burning Souls and I did some checking on Lee Jonghyun.

He was born in Busan but lived in Japan as a kid.

Could it be? I cant be sure unless he tells me. But that was impossible. How can I meet him again?

I was thinking of him when I went to the park.

Im always fascinated by the cherry blossoms that it makes me forget everything when Im under the sakura tree.

I brought my small pail with me and went to pick the fallen blossoms.

I gathered it and formed a bed of flowers. I also brought the jelly that I got from Hyun years ago.

Yup thats right. I didnt eat it.

Every time I have a problem I look at that jelly and remember how he smiled at me. I remembered how he look at me when I  sing.

Then my thoughts would drift to Jonghyun of  CNBlue, could they be one and the same person?

Imagine my surprise when I met CNBlue's Lee Jonghyun under the sakura tree confirming that he is the Hyun that I met years ago?

How lucky can I get?  

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