cont... Land of the Morning Calm

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Preparations were underway for the CNBlue comeback and everyone is busy.

Practice takes place everyday and me the boys are exhausted when we reach the dorm.

Bruce has rented an apartment near Hongdae for Dhez. The room is fully furnished and her ref is full of food.

I shouldnt worry but I am. I havent seen her a for week now.

I called her.

"  Yabuseyo?" Her voice sounded small. 

" Dhez, gwenchana?" 

" Hyun.." she sounded breathless.

" I'll be there in thirty minutes." I said on the phone. I got my helmet and ran out.

Riinnng.... riiinggg...

I look to the left and right ,  no one was around.

She opened the door a little then look out.

" Dhez.. its me."  She took off the door chain.

I closed the door behind me after I enter.

I look at her. " Gwenchana? "

She just smile and shook her head.

I held her hand and we sit on the sofa.

" are you ok here? what did you do today?"

" I just read some magazines.." her voice trailed..

I look at her, " Is something wrong?"

" Ani."  but she didnt look me.

I moved closer to her and  look into her eyes.

She just look at me and smile.

She wont tell me what it is so I embraced her.

" You should tell me if something is bothering you jagiya..." I whispered to her ear.

" You look so tired Hyun," she said, " are you  getting enough sleep?"

" Is that why you sound anxious?  Dont worry about me, Im used to this."

She leaned on my shoulder and I brush her hair with my hand.

She sighed and closed her eyes. I kissed her on the forehead.

" Do you want to go to sleep now?" I asked.

"No, " she whispered.

I hold her hand. they're so small compared to mine. 

I played with her fingers and count them she giggled.

I put her hands to my lips and kissed her fingers one by one.

Oh I so missed her.

I took a deep breath.

"Is it okay if I sleep here every night?" I asked her.

She look at me one eyebrow raised. " hmmmm...,"

" Dont think about it, I missed you if I dont see you." I  told her.

" I cant concentrate on  the songs because I  keep thinking about you."

She giggled like a child. " Those are your excuses."

"oh but dont you miss me too? " I pretended to look hurt.

She held my face and kissed me on the nose. " of course I missed you."

I smiled at her. " you see? I will go here every night okay? Its a deal " I didnt wait forher to agree.

She laughed at me.

" Lets eat. I cooked Bulgogi for you."

" you see, you are expecting me to come today, " I said smiling at her.

We went to the dining table and eat.

"  Wow. That was delicious." 

" hmm you're just hungry , you ate almost all of it "

" oh but its really delicious, if Jungshin find out, he will come here often and eat all of it. dont tell him you can cook ok?"

" arasso." she smiled.

I brought the dishes to the sink and started washing and she cleaned the table.

Then I sat on the sofa and read some of her magazine while she went to the bathroom.

I look at the articles and saw that there was a small news about one of the CNBlue members that has a girlfriend.

I scanned the article.

It didnt say who the member is or who the girl is. 

Then under that it listed the names of the girls that are linked to CNBlue.

I smiled to my self. maybe she got jealous of this news.

I look up as she went out of the restroom she is is brushing her hair. It fell on her shoulders in a beautiful wave.

" You look so beautiful. "

She blushed. I closed the magazine and kissed her on her forehead.

" lets sleep." I carried her inside the bedroom. I gently laid her on the bed and she look at me. 

" where are you going?" she asked.

" I'll sleep on the sofa."

" Oh, " she said. 

 I look at her disappointed face. And I laughed.

"You want me to sleep here with you?"

She nods. "hmm, I dont know....." I said.

" I'll just watch over you till you go to sleep ok?" 

She nod again.

I held her hand and covered her with the blanket. then I sat on the side of the bed and sang a song to her.

 She is humming along with the song and I smiled.

Her eyes are closed when I stood up. I stretched, its been a long day.

I left the door of her  room a jar so I can hear her if she calls me.

I went out and brought a pillow and blanket.

Bruce was right when he said I would fit in the sofa, I smiled at the thought.

Ohh its been a long day, I look at the clock it says 11:20pm.

I need to rest.  I have to be at the office before 9 am.

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