The morning

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I was not feeling good this morning and when I coughed their was blood. I had caught the sickness, "carl?" I said as I coughed. "oh my god Katie are you ok?!" "No I'm not ok at all" I said. Carl kissed me and he said "it's going to be ok" "how is it going to be ok?!" "You saw what happened to the other people that were sick" I said. After that carl left and told Rick what happened.
A couple of hours later
"Carl I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier, I was just scared". "it's ok katie", "but my dad said you had to go to quratine and to get your stuff" carl said. "I'll ask Hershel if I can visit you, everyday" but that made me even cry harder. Carl kissed me on the cheek "it's going to be ok"

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