The Stranger

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Hello! I am a fanfiction writer. Ive been on since 2006, but I thought I would try this out. This story is one I completed recently on ff and it's my own proud achievement because it is my first novel length. Enjoy.

"Good morning, Kanto! Thanks for joining us on this one in a million spring morning on Kanto's favorite radio station; Kanto Can KA96.7. Currently, here at the Celadon City news station, it's 80 degrees, sunny, and there's not a cloud in the sky in all of Kanto!"
"It sure is a contrast to this date three years ago! If I remember correctly, there were dangerous storms right after the Master Championship League. It's hard to believe how gorgeous it is today."
"Speaking of the Master Championship League, and I know it's been a while since this was topic was so viral, but I have to ask: did we discover what happened to Pokémon Master Ash Ketchum? I remember the headlines being so thoroughly discussed for months. Pokémon Master: Ash Ketchum of Pallet: Missing! And just the day after he won the title! Then the topic was just dropped with no resolution. It's been three years! The real question is: has Ash Ketchum really fallen off the face of the-" the knob on the retro stereo system is forcibly twisted into the off position. It will clearly take some fiddling with to turn it back to the right again. That would be a matter for a different day, however. Of course she knows what the day is. The radio didn't need to mention it. In fact, she would have preferred that the radio hosts had just pretended that this day was just like any other. But, when she considers the fact that every day entails grief and rage over this same topic, she muses that it would be just another day. Except it's not and she knows it. Before she lets her mind wander too far into its usual cloudy state of depression, she shakes it off and decides this day would need to be busy to keep her from driving herself crazy. So she grabs her prized possession, a worn, red, and white cap with a black Pokémon League logo, and runs out the door. She moves quickly; her long orange hair racing behind her.
The weather in the Johto region is just as beautiful and clear as Kanto. This bright and shining day calls to all of the trainers in Ecruteak City and everyone is out roaming the forests in search of a new addition to their team or maybe a match with another trainer.
In a clearing just west of the city a group of trainers watch two of the town's highly esteemed young trainers battle.
A Sandslash lunges at its opponent, Wigglytuff, and in one clean body slam, the Wigglytuff is pronounced unable to battle. The Sandslash and his teenaged trainer rejoice together.
"Sandslash! We're the greatest! Unstoppable even! We haven't lost a match in weeks!"
The crowd cheers, everyone is proud of the pair; except a character towards the back of the group.
The stranger's blood red hat and stiff lapel shroud his identity. Short raven hair grows beneath the hat. A golden Luxury ball rests on a chain around his neck. His tattered black and blue clothing draws questioning stares from the people nearby. They begin to inch away from the stranger.
He simply watches as the trainer and his Sandslash gloat. In a split second he's turned around and many feet away, but a voice calls to him.
"Why are you running away so quickly? Afraid to challenge Ecruteak's best?" A voice calls him out.
Of course, it's the arrogant kid with the Sandslash. He noticed the stranger and, still on his winning high, decided he wants another adrenaline rush. The stranger halts for a second but decides not to turn back around; he continues to walk.
"Wait! I'm talking to you! Who do you think you are?" The trainer's face begins to turn red and he fumes; no one ignores Ecruteak's finest.
However, the stranger doesn't change his mind. He shakes his head lightly.
"Go home, kid." He grunts in a cool, gruff voice while continuing to walk away from the scene.
"Kid?" The teen boy screeches at the title.
In his rage he makes a vital mistake.
"Sandslash, take down!"
Before anyone can process what happens next, a resounding thump can be heard and the air is filled with dust and sparks of electricity. When the cloud clears, the Sandslash is lying motionless on the ground. Next to the stranger stands an unusual Raichu; it sports a blue coat and reaches waist high to its adult trainer. Its long black and blue tail holds the Sandslash against the ground.
The teenaged trainer stays at a distance in astonishment. This stranger hadn't even picked up a finger to stop his Sandslash. Then he remembers Sandslash and swallows his pride as he runs to his Pokémon. He's still breathing but he doesn't move a muscle.
"Don't worry, kid, nothing a bit of paralyze heal won't fix." The stranger pulls his bag off his shoulders and digs around in it. He pulls out a bottle and tosses it to the trainer. The boy takes it quickly and sprays it on Sandslash. He is relieved when Sandslash raises his head and licks him on the chin. "I can see your Sandslash adores you. Good job raising it." The stranger compliments stoically. "However, I don't suggest sending it into a battle again without knowing what you're up against. It could have been seriously injured if Raichu had miscalculated his move."
"Who are you? How did you even do that?" The trainer is dumbfounded and the crowd whispers amongst themselves. Mutters can be heard. Why is it blue? Who is this guy? Aaron's Sandslash got owned!
"Raichu rests in this ball around my neck and he is always ready to battle." The stranger fingers the golden Luxury ball and pats Raichu on the head. He avoids the question of his identity.
"Always ready to battle? Alright. Then I challenge you officially. Two on two."
"I don't think your Sandslash is up for another fight."
"I have other Pokémon!"
The stranger stares at him for a few long seconds before nodding slightly and sending a smirk towards the boy. "Suit yourself. Raichu."
Raichu steps forward in agreement, "Rai-ai-ai."
The trainer watches in confusion as the Pokémon emits blue sparks from its yellow cheeks. He takes a mental note that it may be more powerful than he had realized. He reaches his hand to his belt and hovers over each Pokéball. Who do I use? Deciding he'd best play safe than sorry, he throws a ball and announces, "I CHOOSE YOU! RHYDON!"
A large, gray, rock-bodied creature emerges and roars. On the tip of its nose spins a drill. It stomps its feet in arrogance.
"A rock/ground-type, good choice. High defense, strong against electric-type." The stranger compliments, but he doesn't appear to worry. "You can take the first move."
The trainer orders Rhydon to use horn attack, but Raichu uses agility and then divides into a double team. "Rhydon keep hitting each one with a horn attack!"
However, before it could hit the next duplicate, the stranger orders an iron tail. In a flash of blue and silver, Rhydon is down and Raichu is back by the stranger's side. The boy stands in shock just staring at his fallen rock monster.
In his frustration, he returns his Pokémon and sends out a Feraligatr. He looks surprised with himself momentarily for sending a water-type out against this massive Raichu. However, rather than sending Raichu back out, the stranger grabs a Pokéball he has attached to his belt and tosses it smoothly. Its form slowly takes place to reveal dark orange scales and massive wings.
"A Charizard? Why would you pit a Charizard against my Feraligatr, a water-type?"
The stranger says nothing and the Charizard seems unfazed by the comment.
"You go ahead and take the first move again." The stranger doesn't smile, but he nods encouragingly.
The trainer hesitates. If his rock-type monster couldn't defeat an electric rat, would his water-type even have a chance against this Charizard? He quickly decides that there's no going back now and if he were to have any chance he mustn't underestimate the stranger's choice. He takes a minute to observe the Charizard. It's enormous. That doesn't make the trainer feel any better. It also looks highly fit and the flame on its tail is undeniably strong.
He notices a pattern of scarring that extends from the left side of its neck to its belly along with other patchy spots that don't align. It's then that he notices Charizard's demeanor. It isn't posed like it's ready for a battle. It stands straight up, almost proudly, and keeps a calm outward appearance.
The stranger just watches as the younger trainer sizes up Charizard and keeps the same demeanor as his Pokémon.
"Alright, I'm ready." The trainer takes a deep breath. "Feraligatr! Start off with a water gun!"
Feraligatr's Water Gun is obviously tough, but Charizard simply diverts it with its wing.
"Charizard, willow wisp." Charizard blows out a blue ball of fire that momentarily surrounds Feraligatr and then vanishes. Feraligatr winces. The burns begin to take their toll on it.
Realizing that Feraligatr's energy would be drained quickly, the trainer decides to act quickly. "Use Hydro Pump!"
"Charizard! Seismic Toss!"
Just as the Hydro Pump is released, Charizard runs straight into it head first. It uses its head to divide the water and its wings to divert its path. Before Feraligatr realizes what's going on, Charizard lifts it up and slams it back into the ground.
"No!" The trainer yelps and runs onto the battlefield. Charizard extends a hand to Feraligatr and, although it's dizzy and exhausted, it accepts it and stands back up. "Feraligatr, are you alright?" Feraligatr chirps happily at its trainer's concern. It can see Charizard's strength and has no problem admitting defeat.
"That Feraligatr has a strong Hydro Pump." The stranger compliments as he walks over to the younger trainer. "You remind me of myself when I was younger. You'll go far." The stranger nods in approval.
The teen trainer raises his hand, hesitantly, and the stranger accepts it with a beaming smile.
"My name is Aaron Johnson."
"Ash Ketchum."
The crowd silences.

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