New Journey

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Part Eight
Just before dusk, Ash stands in front of a mirror - completely bare. Grace had been kind enough to lend him hair styling scissors and a razor. After a steaming shower and some serious attention to his facial hair, he concluded he didn’t look too bad. He turned his back to the mirror and looked up and down his protruding spine. 
When he had become the Pokemon Master two years prior he had been in good physical health. But now, he was nearly a skeleton. While prisoner, he occasionally had opportunities to exercise in a locked room when the Rockets left him alone. At first he would exercise; planning for the day of his escape. He would do push ups, squats, even yoga - anything that he could do to keep his body active. However, after months of detainment, his hope dwindled; his body grew weaker from the inconsistent exercise and lack of nutrients he received. When they threw him in the room he would just pace back and forth - trying to keep his body moving when he wasn’t chained to a bed. He would need to start working hard to regain his strength. 
He turns back to face himself in the mirror; he takes a mental snapshot of his appearance. On his new journey he knows he won’t have many chances to be this clean again until he makes it home. Once dry, he pulls on a new black shirt, a pair of navy pants, and the new coat his mother sent him. It covers up his bony wrists. He barely recognizes himself; he feels disconnected from his own reflection. 
The once powerful Pokemon Master; now a victim.
The door squeaked open, “Rai?” Raichu pushes his head through. 
“Hey buddy, I’m just about ready. Are Charizard and Typhlosion ready to go?” Ash throws a few more pairs of pants and shirts into his backpack. “I think we should go in about 15.”
Raichu squeaks and trots away. 
Ash throws his full pack over his shoulders and places his new, deep red hat over his dark hair. Wearing the hat brought a sense of normality. Before each of his journeys he would place a new hat on his head. He knows this journey will be longer and more arduous than any of his previous journeys.
Downstairs Grace starts to pack a second bag filled with staple foods like rice and canned vegetables. She also threw in some supplies including matches, a can opener, and other useful items for on the road. As she finishes tying up the sleeping bag she bought for Ash the doorbell rings. She leaves Ash’s gear on the table and walks toward the door.
Not expecting any guests, Grace skeptically opens the door to find a young hipster-looking man with a Mightyena. She takes note of his muscular body and a tattoo of a bold red R on his forearm. 
“Good afternoon, my name is Brett, I am with the local Parks and Recreation department in Vaniville. I am surveying the neighborhood for any possible witnessed crime or strange people wandering around. Do you have a few minutes to talk about what’s going on in your neighborhood?” Brett shows a toothy, forced smile as Mightyena sniffs around the doorway. 
“You know, I was just about to head out to the store, do you think you could stop by another time?” Grace moves back a step but Brett slams his arm hard against the door. 
“It will only take a minute, ma’am.” He pushes his way in and shoves Grace against the wall. “Mightyena search the house.” Mightyena trots around the house nose first; up and back down the stairs until he gets to the back sliding door and begins pawing at it and yipping. 
“NO.” Brett swings his fists at the wall and turns back to Grace. “ Where is he?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Grace feigns ignorance and keeps her distance.
“Mightyena can smell his scent- he was just here.” As Brett approaches Grace angrily, Rhyhorn smashes through the glass doors with Talonflame behind. Rhyhorn charges Brett and Mightyena who quickly decide leaving is their best option. Talonflame follows shooting a burning streamline flamethrower at them until they are far from the neighborhood.
At the house Rhyhorn helps Grace to her feet. “Thanks my friend.” Rhyhorn shifts his shoulder armor and Grace spots a piece of paper. “A note?” Rhyhorn nods and waits for her to read it.
In scribbles she reads:
I saw the Rocket grunt coming so I grabbed everything and went out the back door. I told Rhyhorn to get back there quickly. 
I have to stop the Rockets. No one or pokemon will ever suffer at their hands again when I’m done with them.
Thank you for saving my life.
Grace looks around at the trampled glass door and things that were strewn around the room by Mightyena. It’s quite a mess, but she’s satisfied with the outcome. Ash is off to regain his strength and start a new journey. If anyone can defeat Team Rocket it’s Ash Ketchum. Talonflame grabs a broom and drags it over to Grace. “It’s time to clean up Team Rocket’s mess.”
Misty wakes up to a crash as her water glass hits the ground. Eevee mews. Misty buries her face in her pillow; the silly little fox is obsessed with the water.
“Splash, be careful!” Misty rolls over, groans, and reaches to Eevee. “You could have gotten hurt.”
Eevee just mews and snuggles closer to her.
“I guess we will start your training today so that we can get one step closer to you becoming a vaporeon.” Eevee purrs excitedly. “You have to learn to master your strength as Eevee before I give you a waterstone. It’s important that you can handle the land before the water.”
As excited as Eevee is she trusts Misty like her own mother. 
After getting ready for the day and cleaning up the broken glass, Misty and Eevee head to the training room. There Misty shows Eevee agility exercises and how to practice a successful tackle.
When Eevee is too tired to continue, Misty brings her to the pool room and shows her the shallow kiddie pool.
Misty watches as Eevee has fun in the shallow pool with  her sisters’ young pokemon. She enjoys witnessing their fun, but her mind wanders to what life would be like if Ash were next to her; helping her raise Eevee. As a Pokemon Master, Ash would be able to quickly inspire and train Eevee. 
After fleeing Vaniville, Ash and pokemon spend the night venturing forward. They find a cave on the east outskirts of Route 3 between Aquacord Town and Santalune City to rest. It’s best they stay off the main routes while the team continues to recover. 
“I just want you to know that I am proud of you. Raichu, you endured so much at Team Rocket’s base. I know how hard it was, but you probably had it worse than me with all of the experiment they did on you. Charizard, you took that explosion with strength and grit. Typhlosion, jumping into that river was probably the scariest thing you’ve ever done, but you did it. I am so proud of you.” Ash kneels next to Raichu and hugs him tight. “You are my best friends. Thank you for being so strong.”
“Rai raichu raichu!” Raichu embraces him back. He tells Ash that their strength begins with him. 
“Thanks buddy.”
Typhlosion hands Ash his sleeping bag, who gladly takes it and unravels it.
“Today is only the first day. I’m guessing it will take a while to finish this mission.” Ash takes off his cloak and pokeball belt. “I have your pokeballs now so we can travel more inconspicuously. Raichu, that includes you. You are too recognizable. Team Rocket will be able to track us if you’re out. I’m sorry, but it’s the only way.” Of course Raichu wasn’t ecstatic about the idea, but he had grown and matured a lot over the years and he understood. “But mom sent your luxury ball so hopefully you won’t find it too terrible in there.”
As the sun started to come up over the horizon, Ash scooted into the sleeping bag. Raichu snuggled up against Ash and curled his long tail over Ash. Typhlosion laid his head on Ash’s backpack. Charizard rested his enormous body between Ash and the cave entrance.

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