Scar Tissue

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Part Nine
After a few more days of rest, planning, and hiding out in the cave Ash decides it is time to begin his mission.
"I spent some time thinking about this last night. If we are going to take down Team Rocket, then I think we will need a solid team. We need different types and different strengths. We can find some of that here in the Kalos region, but we might need to travel beyond. We can't stay in one place for long. Team Rocket will have their eyes looking for us. We can't go to Kanto. We would be recognized and we can't risk endangering our family or friends."
Ash's Pokemon agree. The horrible things Team Rocket does need to end. 
"We are near lumiose city. I hate to drag more people into this but I don't have a Pokedex and it would be helpful for travel and finding the right Pokemon team. I think we should visit professor Sycamore." 
As the sun rose higher he puts Charizard and Typhlosion in their Pokeballs. Then he grabs the luxury ball and turns to Raichu. 
"It will be different, but you will still be with me every step. You can come out whenever we are alone. I can't risk losing you again. Knowing that you were in pain was more torture than I experienced myself. This is the safest way."
As much as he dislikes pokeballs, Raichu agrees and is absorbed into the gold luxury ball that hangs around Ash's neck. Ash realizes now how alone he feels, but he fiddles with the pokeballs attached to his belt and holds the luxury ball closer to his heart. He is less alone than the last two years and he is grateful for that.
"I need to be courageous and brave now. Not just a Pokemon Master, but a hero. I need to save my friends and the world from Team Rocket's evil."
He takes a heavy breath and turns up the lapel on his jacket. Maybe it will hide his features. He wonders if he should grow his beard back out. That would disguise him. As Ash Ketchum, Pokemon Master, he was clean shaven. 
He suddenly feels fear. Maybe he could just stay and live out his days in this dark, old cave, but he knows he can't. There are people waiting for him. People mourning him. He must move forward -towards seeing them in person once again.
So he steps into the light and he realizes how much he missed the sunshine. He imagines sitting by the Cerulean Cape and going swimming with his friends. Pikachu laughing with Togepi. Brock showing his Vulpix how he makes her favorite treats. Misty dolled up in her bathing suit soaking up the sun. Ash's face turns beat red at the thought. He is grateful to be alone at the moment and not trying to explain why he is suddenly embarrassed. 
He continues walking. He knows the general direction because of the position of the sun. Eventually, he finds signs that point him in the correct direction. 
Lumiose City: 2 miles
Two miles should be nothing to Ash who has wandered the world; however, these two miles remind him of how long his journey will be and how lonely it may feel. Anything is better than the past two years though. And while he is lost in his thoughts he makes his way towards Lumiose City where his next adventure is waiting.
Misty, Brock, and Professor Oak wait until Ash's Pokemon are safely back at Professor Oak's laboratory two nights later to share about his disappearance. They agree that the Pokemon should be together when they hear the news.
Professor Oak asks Ash's Unfezant to round up Ash's Pokemon and meet them in the field.
Misty and Brock, who know Ash's Pokemon well decided to help break the news and support them. Brock is still in shock that his friend just vanished. Misty refuses to give up searching; refuses to believe that he is lost to them. 
"Each and every one of you is special and unique to Ash. He loves and appreciates your help that allowed him to become the Pokemon Master. However, it is with sadness and confusion that I have to tell you that on the night of his victory, Ash and Pikachu mysteriously disappeared. Only his hat was found in the forest outside of the league. The police and volunteers have been searching, but there is no trace. We don't know what to do anymore." His words, though elegantly spoken, spear the hearts of Ash's Pokemon. After a moment of silence, Lycanroc lets out a mournful howl. Then Meganium begins to cry out which tips the dominos. The entire field is wet with tears shed for Ash, friend of Pokemon. One Pokemon isn't crying. Ash's strongest, most loyal Pokemon refuses to hear anymore. He isn't sad. He is furious. Fire, literally, pools and turns in his belly. He would not accept this. He would not mourn with the rest. He would take action. He steps away from the crowd and begins stomping away. Misty notices how different his reaction is and steps after him quickly. When they are far enough from the crowd she calls his attention.
He grumbles and turns towards her. She knows him almost as well as Ash does. She has always been there.
"I don't know what to do. We searched and searched. Thats's all there was -his bloodied hat. I don't know what that means, Charizard. Is he dead? If he is, where is his body? Was he running from something? Did someone take him? Did he get a concussion and develop amnesia? Is he waiting for us to find him? Save him? I don't know. I'm paralyzed." 
By now she is crying uncontrollably. She finally let her emotions and thoughts free since he never showed up. A warm, furry body embraces her. Typhlosion had followed and heard it all and knew he needed to comfort his friend. Charizard looks quizzically at Misty, lost in thoughts. What Misty told him seemed fishy. Ash and Pikachu disappeared without a trace and the only clue was a bloody hat. In this moment, Charizard believes that Ash is alive. He would not mourn with the rest of them. He has what many of them don't; pure strength, wings, and fearless determination. He decides he would find Ash and bring him home safely to his family and friends. Charizard embraces Misty gently and then steps back flapping his wings. 
"Wait, Charizard." 
He pauses and listens. 
"The moment you walked away from the group I knew that you would decide to look for him. I just want to say please be careful and please bring them home safely." She knows if anyone can find Ash it is Charizard. There is fire in his eyes and he agrees. He would find Ash or die trying. 
"Typhlo!" Typhlosion catches their attention. "Typhlosion, Typh."
Charizard grunts back in response. Then reaches his claw out to shake Typhlosion's paw in agreement. Before Misty can figure out their conversation, the two are running across the field, Charizard spreads his wings, Typhlosion jumps up on his back, and the two set off to find their friend with the odds stacked against them.
"Misty, where did Charizard and Typhlosion go?" Professor Oak noticed their departure and decided to come check in with Misty.
"They went to find answers. They are going to bring Ash home." She watches them as they disappear into the night sky.
"As Ash's professor I am responsible for Ash's Pokemon in his absence. However, I can guess no one could stop Charizard from this mission."
"If anyone can find Ash it is Charizard."
Misty thinks about Charizard and Typhlosion every day. She wonders if they are still looking for Ash. She wonders if they are okay. She wonders if she should have told them to stay. She isn't out looking for Ash; why should they have to be? But the truth is, she wouldn't know where to start. Ash was the adventurer. Misty is the gym leader. She could take a guess about which terrorist group kidnapped him -if that's even what happened - Team Rocket, Team Aqua, Team Magma, Team Galactic, Team Skull. They all had reasons to kidnap or dispose of Ash and Pikachu. She sits and wonders if she should be out there looking for him as well, but duty and fear tie her to the Cerulean City Gym.
"Eevee! Eevee vee!" Splash snaps her from her thoughts. 
"What is it, little Splashy? Are you done training today? I suppose it is time for lunch."
Splash bears her sharp teeth to show her agreement. Then she hops along between Misty's feet as they make their way to the kitchen. 
To Ash's surprise he doesn't find it difficult to sneak into Professor Sycamore's lab. Because Lumiose is so large and people are in and out of the lab all day, he isn't detected. Security just has him walk through a detector to make sure he isn't armed. He follows a tour group into the main public area of the lab and down the hallways where he sees restricted access doors. He thinks he remembers where Sycamore's office is located. He slows down to sneak away but the tour guide spots him. "Sir, try to keep up with the group or you will miss information!"
"Sorry, ma'am." He makes a gagging sound, "I think I need to leave. Something here is making my stomach act up. I will just leave the way I came." Ash hurriedly walks back towards the main area to be convincing. He stops around the corner and waits until the tour group rounds the next hallway. Then he books it for the stairs.
"Second floor. Third door on the right? Or was it second? Damnit. It was so long ago." He pauses for a moment and breathes. He needs to get better at sneaking around. Suddenly he bumps into someone on his way up the stairs. He silently prays it isn't a security guard.
"Ash Ketchum." Ash's neck hair stand on end when he realizes he has not only been caught, but also identified. 
"Is that really you? This is amazing. I never thought I would see you again!" 
To Ash's relief the tall, slender man who caught him is none other than the man he came to see: Professor Sycamore.
"Professor, I am sorry to pop in like this. Can we go somewhere private? I am trying to maintain a low profile." Ash's eyes search up and down the stairs making sure no other scientist or employee passes by him.
Professor Sycamore seems to understand that Ash's presence needs to be kept hush hush.
"Yes, follow me to my office." 
Professor Sycamore abandons his plans to leave the lan for lunch and they climb the stairs together to the second floor and enter the hallway. Ash tries to play it cool as they pass by two scientists and then a guard. Professor Sycamore greets them each briefly and they continue passed each other. They finally reach his office. It was the fourth on the left. He had been close with his guess but he is grateful that the professor found him.
"Ash Ketchum, I cannot believe that you're here. I followed your championship closely and the whole city was distraught when you went missing. Where did you go? How did you end up here?" 
Ash reluctantly shares some details of the last two years and three months with Professor Sycamore.
"Absolutely despicable. Team Rocket should rot in prison for their crimes... So I am guessing you're here for a reason. What can I do to help?" Although Ash longs for companionship with his own professor back home, Professor Sycamore is young and energetic. It is encouraging and awakening to Ash.
"I was hoping you might have an extra Pokedex I could borrow -one with a multi region map function. I am planning on travelling quite far." 
"My boy, is that all?" Professor Sycamore rummages through his desk and pulls out a brand new Pokedex with the latest features. "I won't deny the Pokemon Master -and my friend- anything. In fact, you said you have Charizard right? I collect mega stones. If I am correct I have an extra Charizardite X somewhere. Let me find it." The Professor searches his locked cabinets and pulls out a key stone and Charizardite X. "Here, Ash. You might need some dragon power on your team." He nods gratefully and tucks it away in he bag.
Suddenly, there is banging on the door. 
"Professor! I need your help! There is something terribly wrong in Lumiose!" Ash thinks he knows that frantic voice or maybe it's from a dream. However, when the door pops open and Clemont and Bonnie rush through he realizes it is his friends from long ago. He lowers his cap and hides behind his lapel. He thinks now that he should have left his beard grown out.
"Professor! My gym has been hacked and the hackers have sent one message: 'give us prisoner 025'. It is playing on all my screens. I tried to block it but it is a powerful hack! I am better with mechanical than computer! I need your assistance in finding an IT specialist." All the while Clemont babbles on, Bonnie, now a teenager, notices the strange man in the room and tries to get a better look at his face. Ash looks up and accidentally makes eye contact with Bonnie who immediately understands what is happening. Her brother may be good at mechanics, but she is the detective.
"Clemont." She says softly, tugging on his sleeve trying to calm him. "The Professor has a guest." 
Clemont turns towards Ash who has already realized he has been recognized. Clemont gapes. "Ash Ketchum. Here, in Lumiose!" This is amazing! We thought you were gone! But look at you! Well, you're skin and bones. Where were you?" Clemont in his surprise speaks his mind without realizing Ash is uncomfortable.
"Clemont. Ash is prisoner 025. The hackers are looking for Ash." Bonnie, the brains, explains. 
"I'm afraid she is likely correct. It would be an awfully strange coincidence if there is some other prisoner." The professor chimes in.
"What do you mean? Prisoner?" Clemont remains clueless.
Bonnie pulls him close to speak quietly to him trying to respect Ash. "Clemont, Ash has been missing for over two years. He is skin and bones, he is trying to be inconspicuous, and it's obvious whoever is hacking you is looking for Ash because he escaped wherever he's been for two whole years!" With that she jams his face with her fist. 
"Sorry I didn't understand!" Clemont falls to the floor momentarily before quickly standing back up. "But how do they know you're in Lumiose City?"
"I escaped from their hideout somewhere south of Vaniville. Then I trekked up to Lumiose to find the professor. They must be following me."
Although Ash would prefer to keep his mission and existence secret for now it felt good to be in the presence of friends. 
"Maybe it's more than that? Could they have implanted a tracking chip in you?"
"I suppose it's possible. How would I know?" 
"Do you have any small scars you don't know how they got there?"
"I don't know. I need you to check for me." 
Together they headed to a lab area. Professor Sycamore locks the door this time so they won't be disturbed. They have Ash sit up on the examination table where he removes his shirt. Ash's three friends' hearts break when they see scars lining his stomach and back. They are hesitant to begin.
"They were just flesh wounds. They took maybe only two weeks to heal. Some of the jailors liked whips. Please help me search for a chip."
They realize they won't find anything just by feeling through scar tissue, so Clemont improvises and creates a simple metal detector. Seconds after scanning Ash's body they detect something in his shoulder. Luckily Clemont's inventing skills improved and his machine didn't blow up.
"Ash, I'm not a doctor, but I had to learn to cut and stitch Pokemon in case of emergencies. Are you okay with me taking it out?"
"Professor, I would appreciate it."
Ash no longer feels or fears flesh wounds. He had been desensitized over the course of two years worth of beatings. 
"Alright let me prepare and sterilize." Professor Sycamore left to find the correct tools. 
Bonnie reaches toward Ash and grabs his hand. 
"What happened, Ash?" 
And again he told his story of how he was abducted the night of his championship victory, how he was moved from facility to facility, how he occasionally got to see Pikachu, but how most of the time he was alone, beaten, and tortured. 
Bonnie is crying by the time Ash finishes while Clemont remains more serious than he's ever been. 
"Are you ready Ash?" Professor Sycamore is prepared with a scalpel, tweezers, gauze, tape, and stitching thread. Ash only nods in agreement while Sycamore cleans the area. Clemont and Bonnie watch as Sycamore cuts Ash's skin, searches with tweezers, pulls out a chip, and then stitches it back up all without a flinch. This is not the lively, animated Ash Ketchum that they remember. This Ash is tortured, lonely, and fearless.

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