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Part Eighteen

Ash, Rui, and Wes spend the next day resting and sleeping; waiting until dark to move once again. It was Rui who suggested that their next stop should be the Pokemon HQ Lab, a research lab dedicated to learning more about shadow Pokemon and purifying their hearts.

"Why would they help us?" Wes sneers at the idea seeming more angry about it then Rui expected.

"We're on the same side!" Rui argues her point. "They might have valuable insight or information to give us."

Wes and Rui sit at the kitchen table discussing their next move, while Ash rests nearby on the couch.

"What would they know that we don't?" Wes stubbornly crosses his arms in defiance.

"We've spent five years purifying Pokemon, but we haven't done any research!" Rui appears angrier than Ash has seen yet.

"Fine, but why would they help us?" Wes complains.

"Because they will know who we are!" Rui rolls her eyes at him.

Wes and Rui find themselves staring one another down. Neither willing to back down. Ash decides he must break it up.

"I agree with Rui." Ash states boldly. "I don't know as much as you about shadow Pokemon and I could use a crash course."

"Ah ha!" Rui points at Ash. "Ash is on my side! Two against one."

"That's so childish." Wes shakes his head and walks away from the kitchen table and plops on the opposite end of the couch as Ash before the argument can become more heated.

"It'll be a quick stop, anyway." Rui shouts after him; annoyance in her tone.

Ash can't help but chuckle to himself lightly at their arguing. He remembers a time when he and his orange haired best friend would argue about anything and everything. A time long before he realized that he loves her.

"What are you smiling about?" Wes snaps at him, looking at him with confusion and possibly a hint of jealousy.

Ash decides to spill an ounce of his heart. Maybe if Wes knows about Misty he would ease up about his friendship with Rui.

"I use to argue like that with Misty." He states plainly, attempting not to overcomplicate it.

A spark of curiosity ignites in Wes' eyes.

"I shouldn't ask," Wes looks at Ash, "but who's Misty?"

Ash pauses thoughtfully for a moment. How can he explain it simply?

"My biggest reason to make it home someday." Ash offers with a sad smile.

Wes immediately understands and feels slightly bad for making assumptions that Ash would try to steal Rui from him. Maybe it was the way Ash's eyes shine at the mention of Misty, but Wes believes it. He nods towards Ash and they share a silent understanding.

His jealousy halts permanently.


"Excuse me," Misty tapped on a blonde haired woman's shoulder, "do you happen to know anything about the sighting of Ash Ketchum here two months ago?"

"No I'm sorry, I don't" The woman politely smiled and walked away.

When Misty arrived in Ecruteak she had no idea where to begin. She started asking random people in town if they knew more, but so far no one did. She asked more than two dozen people before she found herself sitting on a park bench on the edge of town.

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