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Part Twenty Two

At the Cerulean Cape, Ash becomes painfully aware of his own breathing. He had not been there since that night with Misty when he almost told her his truth. Nothing at the Cape had changed in his three year absence. How bittersweet. He thinks as he bites hard on his lip to prevent himself from feeling the pain of the memory.

The team had spent around three months training in the Cerulean Cave and creating their plan. According to the reports that Jessie and James sent them, many of the stronger Rocket members are scheduled to be away from the Rocket headquarters checking on other bases. They also confirmed that Geneva is currently there. The four dress in all black in an attempt to blend in as grunts.

"Alright boys," Wes gathers them into a huddle, "this is it. This is what we've been working towards for months."

The four men stand together for a few long moments in silent contemplation.

"I have enjoyed meeting and working with all of you." Ash suddenly begins to speak to the group. "I have met and trained with many fine trainers in my lifetime, but you three are exceptional trainers and extraordinary people. I hope that we all can come back together on the other side of tonight, but I know that this is more risky than any other adventure any of us have ever seen. Be strong, be sharp, be quick."

"Fitting speech from the Pokemon Master. When we succeed and we all make it out just fine, drinks on me at the Outskirt Stand." Michael tries to lighten the mood and the other three chuckle and agree.

"Alright," Ash nods at them letting the group know that it's time, "come on out, Suicune."

He tosses the Pokeball and the slender blue dog appears and waits for commands.

"You will bring Max and I across the sea to the Rocket Headquarters." Ash points in the direction of a tall building that is far enough across the sea to appear as a speck in the distance.

"When we're there, we will find the main control room. I will connect with Nett back at Grid Tech and we will work on decoding the security system." Max shares his piece.

"When security is down, Wes and I will fly in and search for the captive Pokemon. We will find Jessie, James, and Meowth there to help us. We will release the Pokemon and ask for their help to fight Team Rocket." Michael confirms his task.

"Then we will make our way through the building and take out as many grunts as we can." Wes continues.

"After security is out, I will go find Geneva." Ash finishes their plan. "Everyone get out as soon as possible."

The group nods in agreement and silently prepares for their upcoming trials.

"Be careful, Ash." Michael specifically addresses the the man who has the solo mission.

Ash and Max climb onto Suicune's back and hold its mane. Ash nods at Michael, thanking him for his concern.

"It's now or never." Ash grips tightly, leaning forward in preparation. The blue dog howls and bounds across the water towards the headquarters.


"Excuse me, nurse Joy." Misty calls behind the counter, searching for the common face. "It's kind of an emergency."

A pink haired woman appears behind the counter and yawns. "I'm sorry. I will never be used to night shifts."

"It's alright," Misty assures her with a small smile, "I'm looking for a group of four men. One of them was named Max Maple."

Nurse Joy logs into her computer and searches the name. "Why yes. He rented a room with three other men last night."

"Can you tell me about them?" Misty urges. "Was one a man in a blue outfit and a red cap? Black buzzed hair and dark eyes?"

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