Small Victories

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Part Fourteen

It was a particularly difficult morning in the gym. Misty had spent extra time in the morning cleaning and scrubbing; fortunately, her Pokemon were willing to help her with the grueling task of keeping the pool clean. On a typical day, she would have one or two challenges, but today she faced an onslaught of amateur trainers. Five trainers showed up one by one all before the closing hours of the gym. She figured the four fresh ten year olds were Professor Oak's newest recruits. By the fifth trainer her Pokemon were feeling exhausted so she decided to allow Splash to face a young trainer's Rattata. The trainer questioned why she chose not to use a water type and Misty shared a lesson about Eevees and their many evolution opportunities including the water-type Vaporeon. Splash worked hard and revealed natural talent; however, her lack of battling experience showed. Before the young trainer had a chance to use a hyper fang attack, Misty decided to call back Splash who was becoming very worn down. Splash was happy to sit on the sidelines and observe. Misty thought momentarily about crushing her opponent with Gyrados but decided that her Starmie would get the job done without overkill.

By the end of the day, she had lost one and won four. She had refrained from using Gyrados for most of the day to allow the challengers at least a chance to win. She only used her Gyrados when one trainer sent out an Electivire. She knew a fully evolved electric type would give her a run for her money and she decided he deserved her full attention. Although Gyrados took out the Electivire, it was too weak to defend itself against the trainer's Ampharos. In the end, Misty congratulated the older trainer for collecting and training very strong Pokemon that had the type advantage. He was grateful for the badge and had walked out. Misty found herself, once again, alone. She smiled to her Pokemon and thanked them for a successful day. It was still light outside so Misty decided to go for a walk with Splash.

Of all the places she loves, she finds herself once again at her favorite spot; at the top of the Cerulean Cape. She carefully lowers herself to the ground on the edge of the bluff and holds her arm out to the left to make sure Splash doesn't get too close to the edge. Her turquoise eyes reach toward the horizon. She doesn't know what she is searching for, but all she sees is water and a couple of distant islands. For Misty, the ocean is the last safe place. It has been the only place that makes her feel warm and comfortable over the last three years. It reminds her of her lost friend; fierce, strong, unpredictable.

A familiar voice interrupts her meditation. She spins her head around to find her dear friend, Brock; tall, tan, and confident. "Hey Misty, I thought I might find you out here."

"Hey Brock!" She sends a bright smile his way. "I wasn't expecting you. I could have met you at the gym."

"Oh, well, yeah." Brock rubs the back of his neck as he approaches and sits next to her. Splash prances happily to Brock who rubs her head lovingly. "You're doing a wonderful job raising her. She will be a fine Vaporeon. Anyway, coming up here is better actually. I needed to talk to you without distractions."

"What is it Brock?" Misty looks concerned wondering why her friend would show up without warning.

"Don't worry." Brock shines a grin at her. "There's nothing bad happening. Just needed to talk to you."

"Okay, you can tell me anything." She wraps a friendly arm around his shoulder and squeezes him firmly.

"It's a little difficult." His shoulders slump and he grits his teeth.

Misty watches as he struggles to find his words. She waits patiently.

"It's just that I have been dating Suzie for a long time. It's been about five years. We have created so much together. Lately, she has been giving me hints."

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