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Part Nineteen

"Tell me again how you know these guys?" Ash mumbles as they walk down the streets of one of the most populated cities in the Hoenn region. Mauville takes the cake for having the largest shopping center in the region thus it attracts a sizable number of residents as well as tourists. In the broad daylight Ash keeps his lapel unfolded over his neck and his hat tucked low in an attempt to hide his identity. So far, no one has taken a second glance at him.

Ash, along with Wes and Michael, arrived outside of the Hoenn around 9am that morning. Their journey soaring over Kalos, Johto, and a large span of ocean from the Orre region to Hoenn had been exhausting for their Pokemon and completely boring for them. Wes and Ash were impressed when Michael's choice for a ride Pokemon was a healthy looking Salamence. It took three days of flying in the moonlight and resting during the day to prevent overheating and sunburn. This morning they arrived, rested, and then set their course directly towards Mauville's city shopping center.

"On my journey to take out Cipher and Team Snagem I met them in the Under, a city built underneath Pyrite Town. They helped me decipher important data. They were just teens then. Now they own their own software company." Wes explains once again trying not to snap Ash's head off. "If anyone can do the job it is them."

"Right." Ash nods while scanning the crowd, paranoid of being spotted. He sees a flash of a camera and tenses his body. Only it isn't him that is the center of attention. He spots Watson, the electric type gym leader strolling casually around town taking pictures with young fans. Ash pauses at the thought that his exploration of the Hoenn region had been over a decade ago. His attention refocuses on the task at hand.

Wes leads them up an escalator and across the mall's balcony. Ash peers over the railing and observes the shops and the people bustling in and out of them.

"C'mon, Ace." Wes barks at Ash walking way ahead of him.

Michael gives him a sympathetic look.

Ash can see the shop they're looking for ahead. There are lines out the door.

"What kind of software do they make now?" Michael asks.

"Basically everything." Is Wes' only response to his question. "This is one of their stores, but it is also their main business headquarters. It's only a few people working in the back and a few employees to handle customer service."

They decide that it is best that they wait in line. There are a few tech employees helping the customers one by one so they figure it shouldn't take too long. If they barge in, they would surely attract a lot of attention. Ash breathes deeply to himself as he practices his patience. Being held captive for two years made him content, but also caused him anxiety about staying in one place too long.

"How may I help you?" A young man with short blue hair and large glasses asks while tapping buttons on his tablet.

At the sight of him, Ash is taken aback. He tries to back away quickly, but bumps into the woman behind him who screeches at him. Of course, the woman's shrill voice causes the blue-haired man to lock his eyes onto the commotion. His jaw drops slightly in surprise.

"Ash?" He whispers cautiously while trying to get a better look.

Ash tries to regain his composure after apologizing to the woman. He and the blue-eyed man lock eyes and Ash groans internally. This is no ordinary techie. No. It's his younger travelling companion from Hoenn all those years ago.

"Max," Ash leans in slightly panicky to whisper to him, "This is very important. You don't know me. I need you to show me some of your new tech in the back of the room."

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