Questions to get to know someone

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If you want to challenge a friend of yours, then tag them.

• How do you relax after a hard day?

• Best book you have read so far

• What's the most heartwarming thing you have ever seen?

• Most annoying question that people ask you?

• What's your dream car?

• What's something that tons of people are obsessed with but you don't just get the point of it?

• What are you looking forward to in the next 10 years?

• Most interesting place you have ever been to?

• What would you rate 10/10?

• How different is your life one year ago?

• What fad or trend do you hope comes back?

• What kind of art do you enjoy?

• Movie title to best describe your life?

• Where will you rather be?

• What's website do you visit more often?

• What's the most impressive thing you know to do?

• What kind of music do you enjoy?

• Favorite colour?

• Most embarrassing thing you have done in public?

Tag three people you want to challenge to answer these questions.

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