20 Questions Challenge (1)

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Tag 3 friends you want to challenge to answer this chapter.

1. Your zodiac sign?

2. Last person you texted?

3. Last song you listened to?

4. Last movie you watched?

5. Favourite person?

6. Year of birth?

7. Your favourite nation? (Excluding your own nation)

8. Your favourite sport?

9. Least favourite family member?

10. Favourite fandom?

11. One random fact about you?

12. One lie you told?

13. One secret about you?

14. One rule you broke.

15. Describe yourself in 3 words.

16. Is the earth flat?

17. Last thing you searched on the internet.

18. Ever tasted booger?

19. Ever farted in public and pretended not to know about it?

20. Ever had a crush on your best friend's siblings?

Tag 5 friends you want to challenge to answer these questions.

How many questions could you answer sincerely? (?/20)

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