25 Questions: Stranded in an Island

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Tag three friends you want to challenge to answer these questions.

Scenario: You, your classmates, some other friends and family were on a trip to the ocean in a boat. The boat crashed and all of you ended up on an island. Due to the situation due to the pandemic, the rescue will be delayed by 3 months. In other words, you will have to survive on the island for 6 months. You are elected as the leader of the gang. You can salvage the broken boat.
(Be creative. Don't hold back from applying science and Engineering.)

Resources available: Lot's of coconut trees, broken boat, A hammer

You are allowed to answer the chapter in a team. Role-plays are also permitted. (Strictly PG13. No adult stuff.)

Day 1, 3 PM

1. You need to make fire before it is dark. But you don't have a lighter or match. How will you make a fire?

2. What resources will you collect before it is night?

3. There are 50 people in the group. How will you divide them into different teams? (example: law and order team, food collection team, etc)

4. How will you prevent illegal activities in the camp?

Day 2

5. What are the weapons and tools you will make? How?

6. You have to make the camp safe from wild animals. How will you go about it?

7. How will you catch fish?

8. How will you cook the fish?

Day 3

9. Exploration team found an area filled with small animals. What will you do? (You can decide the animals they found.)

10. How will you make some tasty food for everyone?

11. How will you make huts?

12. You need to make pots and other utensils. How will you do it?

Day 4

13. Will you capture goats, chickens and similar animals for milk, eggs and meat? How will you arrange facilities for that?

With fence, huts and animals, the camp has evolved into a small village. The teams you made had evolved into full-time jobs. Hunters, gatherers, builders, tailors, cooks and a lot more.

Day 5

14. You found foxes roaming around the village. How will you improve the defence and offence of the village?

Day 7

15. More foxes are gathering around the village. There will be an attack soon. What will be your weapons and what is your battle strategy?

Day 8

The battle happened on the eighth day evening. 50 humans from your village against 50 wolves. You poured oil on the fence and lit it on fire. Some people fought with bow and arrows. In the end, you won.

16. How many people died on your side? Who are they?

Day 10

The smoke from the fight attracted the attention of cannibals on the other side of the island. The hunters from the village found a group of twenty cannibals coming towards your village.

17. What is your battle strategy? You have three hours to prepare. (Use your knowledge in science and technology.)

18. Will you scare them off or kill them?

19. How will the battle end?

Day 11

20. Which are the vegetables you would plant near your village?

Day 20

21. Your hunters informed you that the cannibals are preparing for a large scale attack. You have no other chance but to fight. What will be your strategy? (Ambush, traps, defence, oil, fire,...)

Day 27

22. Your scout informed you that the cannibals might attack within six hours. How will the fight go?

Day 60

The vegetables you planted have started becoming mature. More wild fowls are captured and used for egg and meat. Milk is also available in plenty.

23. What will be your next action since the village is safe?

Day 75

24. Two adults in your village are getting married. How will you plan the wedding?

Day 90

25. The rescue team arrived. Will you leave with them or stay in the village with other people who wants to stay?

Edit: The book Robinson Crusoe turned 300 years old two months ago. This was a book that made me spent months to daydream about living alone on a deserted island. In my dreams, I made use of science to make life even better. This book is a very important part of my childhood.

Bonus Question: If you can bring one celebrity to the island, whom will you bring?

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I will fill an electric bulb or transparent polythene bag or a good bottle with water. Then I will use it as a lens to focus sunlight and make fire. (Watch the video below.)

I will make fire, collect potable water, as many coconuts as possible and lots of dried woods. I might have to create fire and smoke to keep

I will make an exploration team for exploring the forest. Another builders team for building huts and other stuff. The third group for law and order. The largest group will be for collecting food and catching fish.

To prevent illegal activities, the first step is the keep everyone entertained. I will make sure of good and tasty food. I will also arrange some board and card games to keep the adults engaged. As for youngsters, songs and field games will be arranged.

I will first collect metals from the broken boat. Steel sheets will be heat treated and then sharpened to make knives. For heat treating, coconut shells will be used to make fire and it will be made hotter by blowing air into it using bellows made from planks and cloth. (Google bellows if you need to know more.)

Then I will make spears and more knives for the exploration team and the team collecting food.

I will catch fish using fish hooks. Fish hooks will be made by bending safety pins. It is a very easy thing to do. Another method is making a small pond near the shore. Then connect it to the ocean with a small canal and put edible stuff in the pond. When fishes get inside for eating, block the canal.

I will grill the fish with salt which I made from the seawater and ground chilli.

I will gather the people and catch as many animals a possible. Young ones will be kept for later while adult ones will be killed and eaten. The rest of the meat will be dried in the sun and saved for later.

I will use weaved coconut leaves to cover the huts. Making fire inside the hut will be strictly banned.

I will make pot and pans from clay and then bake it in the fire to make it strong.

Then I will extract coconut milk and boil it to make virgin coconut oil. The oil will be used to frying and applying on skin.

Cloths will be made from leaves and animal skins.

A lens with plastic and water

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