20 Questions for Teens from Teen

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This chapter is prepared by Odunstella1. Please check out her profile and books.

Tag three friends you want to challenge.

1. Your first crush?

2. Who is your current crush?

3. Have you ever drawn/tried to draw the pic of a boy you know?

4. Longest time you've crushed on someone?

5. What is the most embarrassing thing you did to impress your crush?

6. Have you ever been humiliated by someone else in the presence of your crush?

7. For a guy to notice you, what will you change about yourself?

8. Can you learn a skill for a guy to notice you?

9. Have you ever faked you don't understand a topic so that a guy could coach you?

10. Have you done the homework of a guy?

11. Were you the reason behind your last breakup?

12. Where do you want to have your honeymoon?

13. If a guy could understand you and everything about you, will you like it?

14. The most annoying habit of your cush/bf (including ex s)

15. The worst relationship you've had?

16. Have you ever stalked your boyfriend because you thought he was not faithful?

17. Have you ever played hard to get and later regretted it?

18. Has anyone asked you whether you have a crush on his/her brother? Have you asked this to anyone?

19. How have you treated someone who had a crush on you?

20. Have you ever waited for the other person to take the first step and then missed the chance?

My first crush was my baby sitter. I promised to marry her. She is the mother of 14 kids and about 90+ years old. Even she don't know her accurate age.

She used to be the lady who does all the miscellaneous jobs in our village. From taking care of newborn babies and mother to even handling the dead. If we have to make any traditional sweet, she was the first one we used to call. She was kind of the jack of all trades and there was nothing she didn't know. Now she is retired. 

Even now, all my friends of my age and even their parents respect her. My dad hates her for her annoying character. But he does not say anything because according to him, she earned her respect and cannot be disrespected. When I get married, she is a person I have to gift a new dress and invite personally. (A small custom. Also, not a dress. It is a traditional dress from the previous era. She only wears that. Those who are curious can search for 'chattayum mundum')

I suddenly remembered her and decided to mention her a bit.

Click next for another interesting chapter.

Some questions in this chapter might have appeared in other chapters. I still decided to keep it as a respect for the efforts of the girl who made it.

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