12 Questions About Mom

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Tag 3 friends you want to challenge to answer this chapter.

1. Which year was your mom born?

2. What makes your mom laugh?

3. What is the small thing that your mom does to make you smile?

4. What is your mom's hobby?

5. When was the last time you saw your mom crying?

6. What is your mom's favourite food?

7. Which is your mom's favourite, eating from hotel or cooking and eating at home?

8. When was the last time you cooked something for mom?

9. What was your mom's dream when she was of your age?

10. When was the last time you told your mom that you love her?

11. When was the last time you kissed your mom?

12. What small action from you makes your mom happy?

Today, my mother bought pork and cassava and cooked it. She likes it very much when someone praises her cooking. Sometimes she buys and cooks just to hear the praise. So I don't hold back a bit and praise her cooking.

Check the next chapter for more interesting questions.

If you have an idea for another chapter, comment here or message me.

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