Questions for a first date

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Tag 3 friends you want to challenge to answer this chapter.

•  What's one thing that made you smile today and why did it make you smile?

•  What's one thing that you're Looking forward to next month?

•  What the most recent movie you've seen and how will you rate it?

•  If you could visit any City and/or country in the world, what will it be?

•  What's something that you're really proud of right now?

•  If you could take 3 things to a desert island, what would it be?

•  If you could have an unlimited amount of anything in the world (excluding money). What would it be?

•  Who is the most famous person that you've ever met?

•  What's your favourite guilty pleasure tv show?

•  What's has been your favourite place that you've travelled to?

•  If you could have only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

•  What's the most thrilling adventure that you've ever been one?

•  What's was favorite Saturday morning cartoon as a kid?

•  If you could go back and redo anything in ur life, what would it be?

•  Who has inspired you and has had impact on where you are in life today?

•  What's your favorite holiday and why?

•  If you could have one single superpower, what would it be?

•  What the most spontaneous thing you have ever done?

•  Do you believe in true love?

•  What type of music do you listen to?

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