10 Questions for Naughty teens

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These questions are prepared by wanderedwriter. Check out her profile. If you are above 18, then check out her works. She has some incredibly good books.

1. Have you ever made a cracker explode in a wrong place or time?

2. Have you ever increased family phone bills due to long conversations with 'friends'?

3. Have you ever lied to your parents about no class/tuition to sleep more?

4. Have you ever forged signatures of your parents?

5.      ^ What was the situation?

6. Have you ever watched tv when parents were away from home and lied that you were studying?

7. Have you put the vegetables in your plate to someone else's plate when they were not looking?

8. Have you ever thrown away food from home so that you can eat from outside?

9. Have you ever dated someone at the time when "YOU SHOULD BE STUDYING"?

10. Have you ever drove motor vehicles before getting a license?

Bonus: Do you have a secret stash of p*rn?

If you liked these questions, then please tag 5 friends to challenge them to answer.

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