The Group of Frogs

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It is said and I quote,

                                                  'Become deaf to negativity'

I realised it quite late in life, but the thing that matters is ' I realised'. I came home from college one day, all depressed about not getting those marks that I desired to have and then above all enduring insults all day long.To be honest quite a mood it was. Not wanting to eat anything, just got changed and sitting in the corner thinking why. Why is it me? Why couldn't it be someone else? Why is it always me? 

Bet you have faced the same questions some day in your life. Or you might just face them any day now. Well lets just get on with the story. 

I didn't feel like studying nor doing anything else. My books were scattered around the desk wanting to be read. Wanting to be highlighted. Wanting to be memorised. But unfortunately my mind was somewhere else. I just could not get over that so simple yet so painful thing that though I had done my best why couldn't I.

Anyways soon I opened my mobile and saw a video right there on YouTube. Coincidence? I think not. So my dear readers let me tell you what I saw,

" A group of frogs was travelling through the woods, two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs crowded around the pit and saw how deep it was, they told the two frogs there was no hope for them.

However the two frogs decided to ignore what the others were saying and they proceeded to try and jump out of the pit.( Persevere; carry on in the face of difficulty with little or no indication of success )

Despite their efforts, the group of frogs at the top of were still saying that they should just give up. They will never succeed (Really? Or they may not because of you)

Eventually on of the frogs took heed to what the others were saying and he give up falling to his death. The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. (Pain?? More like efforts)

He jumped even harder and got out. When he got out, the other frogs said 'Did you not hear us?'

The frog explained to them that he was Deaf. He could not hear them. He thought they were encouraging him, cheering for him, the entire time."

What I learned from this simple yet powerful story was something that has changed these few months of my life. You may be thinking, bu-but you had a problem with grades, why this story?

Well, that is definitely true I had a problem with grades, but the thing to remember is that grades are not just by studying. Of course study is essential but there is so much more to exams that is being checked.

My tips that I can give you are, 

Trust yourself, believe you can do it, change your mindset to a more positive one . Most importantly never study in a negative mindset. 

I got bad grades due to negativity around me. Due to people saying me I cannot do it no matter how hard I try. Hence by working in a negative atmosphere I could not do well. I could not work well with those thoughts wondering around my mind.But let me tell you one thing,

Opportunities come again and you must use these opportunities for your advantage by rising to your true potential. Because you carry the power, the spark inside you to change everything around you.

Just become deaf to negativity. 💕 


Hey guys!!! This is the littlestbookelf . I am new to watt pad and I will definitely be writing new stories now and then whenever I get time. This is my first story. Hope you like it. I actually wanted my first story to be an inspiring, motivating one. So here you go 😊.  Thank you ☺️ for reading it, and please comment and give feedback. 

Some things about me:

1) I am 17

2) Currently in college

3)love books and movies

4)Love Harry Potter. (I am a slytherin 😀 what about you?)

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