The law of Attraction

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Part 2:

So, in the previous chapter I told you all one thing. Philosophy. If you change your philosophy to a more positive one, you have 50% or more than 50% mastered the law of attraction. But, now that you have done it, what comes next?

First thing: Wish

You first need to think of what you want. It can be anything, big or small. A car, a house, a new business, new job, holidays, grades, tickets to any area (e.g Disneyland) etc. It just need to be something that you truly want.

Second thing: Feel

Now that you have done your wish, you need to feel how it will be like to have that thing. Close your eyes for a few minutes, and imagine yourself time travelling to a few minutes, few hours or even days, months or years later (depending on your wish). After you have done that, try to experience the feeling of having all you want already. You need to experience how it feels now that it has happened. See whether you are happy, grateful, or more than delighted. On the other hand, having that thing may make you arrogant, boastful and make you sneer on others. Similarly you may become weary of it or wish that you had asked for something else. Spend a bit of time in your brain (future) to see how you feel.See how long it took to happen and how it didn't happen until it was the perfect time. Be grateful. Fill your mind with details about how you felt and see how accomplished you felt once you got it.

Note: this step cannot be missed as its extremely important in determining your behaviour as a person you were before that thing and the person you will be after it. If you feel any bit of arrogance or unhappiness either cancel your wish or find ways to improve upon your behaviour. 

Third thing: Analysing your thoughts

After you have filled your mind with that 'little' experience you had with that thing ( I suggest writing down some of your feelings on a piece of paper if you are wishing for something big or it's in the longer run). Then analyse your thoughts. Do you really want it to happen? I mean you just had it in real, though it was in your brain but it was just as real to you as the actual would be. Do you still want it? Did you like the experience? The feeling of achievement?  If you really want it then you will get a feeling like ' well this will just happen to me at the right time and in the right way. It will happen when it's meant to be' and as a result you will stop thinking or worrying about what will happen because you know it will and you want it.

Fourth thing: Actually work for it

One of the most important things that many people tend to forget is to actually work for that thing you want. The reason is that almost all of us think that, yeah I have just wished, and now I can relax cause I'm gonna get it. Whereas this thinking is wrong. Now you may be thinking that hey, you just told us all that the law of Attraction states that what you believe in whether it is positive or negative you are going to get it. Yes I did say that. But I didn't say this that nothing really comes to you unless you work for it. Now just listen, you have that belief that you are going to get it and yes you will. See, even when you are applying the law of attraction, you are following the steps. You are working in order to get it. But to make it real in front of everyone, or to make sure that what you want, that thing is going to come to you confirm, you must work hard. You must work with a positive belief that is going to motivate you to do more. You have to work until it is real. You wished and you will get it , but to make it real it you must work hard. You must work until that feeling of   success (or achievement of what you want) is palpable. Another thing that I would like to mention is that during this step a lot of coincidences will come. Accept them gratefully and think of them as help. Use them wisely.

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