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In this book, till now I have discussed the importance of belief, the law of attraction and of course to be encouraging (i.e the first chapter). But there is still one very important thing left that I didn't go into, Mindset. My fault, but never mind. Now a question arises that what is mindset? I mean it is a very common word, isn't it? Like, we do use it pretty often, ' she is very narrow minded', 'they have a very old-fashioned mindset', 'you must change your mindset in order to succeed'. But do you know what it is?

'Mindsets are belief about yourself, your intelligence, talents, and personality' (Carol Dweck; mindset the new psychology of success)


'Mindset is a way of thinking about the world and about your impact on the world through what you believe you can do and what you believe you can't do'

Now, before going into detail I just want to give a brief overview of what will be in this chapter. Firstly, I want to explain what the definition means. I mean it is pretty simple but once you get the concept of what mindset is, it is really easy to change your negative one to a positive one. Secondly I want to write in detail the main types of mindset and lastly I want to explain how it affects you and those around you.

Explanation of Mindset:

In the definition above, we can see one thing very clearly that mindset is how your mind behaves or an attitude of the mind. We can say that mindsets are attitudes which manage our actions and interactions with the world. How you behave towards a specific person is how your mind is set for that person. Let's say, you behave nicely and politely with your English professor, it means your mind has a good image of them, your brain thinks of them as respectful, decent or admirable even. But if you have a history professor and you are not good toward them at all, your mind has a negative image of them. Your mind probably thinks of them as annoying, not-so-good-at-teaching or gloomy and dark. What I want to explain is this that how you think of someone, or something, that is what makes your mindset and ultimately that mindset makes you act towards them in that specific way.Now consider another example,

I think some of you would have read 'A little engine that could' by Watty Piper and Loren Long. Basically a children's story explaining the importance of perseverance and optimism. But there is one lesson that is very important. It explains mindset very well. 

In this story, a train that is filled with toys and gifts for children breaks on its way down the hill. After asking several passing trains on the hill for help, all making various excuses, a little blue train agrees to help the stranded toys.Even though the train is small, it tries its best to bring the toys to the children.

An early version of the book goes as,

"A little railroad engine was employed about a station yard for such work as it was built for, pulling a few cars on and off the switches. One morning it was waiting for the next call when a long train of freight-cars asked a large engine in the roundhouse to take it over the hill. "I can't; that is too much a pull for me", said the great engine built for hard work. Then the train asked another engine, and another, only to hear excuses and be refused. In desperation, the train asked the little train  to draw it up the grade and down on the other side. "I think I can", puffed the little locomotive, and put itself in front of the great heavy train. As it went on the little engine kept bravely puffing faster and faster, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can."

As it neared the top of the grade, which had so discouraged the larger engines, it went more slowly. However, it still kept saying, "I—think—I—can, I—think—I—can." It reached the top by drawing on bravery and then went on down the grade, congratulating itself by saying, "I thought I could, I thought I could."

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