The Law of Attraction

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Part 1:

Well, what is the law of attraction? You see, I mentioned it in the previous chapter but what really is it?

"The law of Attraction demonstrates how we create the things, events and people that come into our lives.Our thoughts, feelings, words and actions produce energies which, in turn attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies.


Simply we can say that the law of attraction is the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life'

Now you may be thinking that  if we do positive and think positive then everything good will happen in our life, right? Well yes and also no. Because it isn't that simple. But we'll come to that later on.

In the last chapter, I discussed the importance of belief. And I'm pretty sure everyone of you know that by know. But the question that arises is that what is the relation between belief and the law of attraction? It is simply stated in the definition that your belief will attract what is going to happen to you. Whether good or bad, all depends on what you believe in. (Positivity). An example could be the elephant from the previous chapter.

Now, recently I read a book called the Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. It was an excellent read. Transformational and inspiring. Basically explaining that simple but powerful habits done consistently over time lead to massive successes. But why am I telling you this? Because I wanted to share a small part of that story that I found really motivating. This part is called the first ingredient . "Your philosophy creates your attitude, which creates your actions, which creates your results, which creates your life." So basically the first ingredient is your philosophy.

If you change your philosophy, I repeat, IF YOU CHANGE YOUR PHILOSOPHY you have more than 50% mastered the law of attraction. Now you may be thinking, What, how??


(n) meaning: a way of thinking about the world, the universe and the society; ideology; faith; belief; ideas 

But how to change it?  Well, I'm not an expert in this matter but I can definitely give you some tips which I found useful. The first thing I believe is to change your perspective about the world. Look at the world from a positive perspective. I'll give you an example:

Let's say you went to college today. You had an awful day. You got a test result marked an F, but everyone else got an A. So why you? What is wrong in you? Why do you always get awful grades. Why do you always fail? Why do you get scolds from teacher? Because you can't do it. You have zero potential.

Now I'm sure, majority of you will think like this. But in reality this kind of thinking will bring you nothing but failures. You must change your thoughts about yourself. You must change your perspective about yourself. Because if you first try to be good to yourself, only then can you be good to the world.

Your perspective is the way you see something. In general we can say your point of view or how you approach things. I can't emphasise enough how important a person's perspective is. Especially a negative one. Because that is what causes all the destructions happening in the world either in you or around you.

Now, let's go back to the example above. What do you think will happen if you think like that? The answer is simple: you will never bother to try again. Your mind will capture the thought that you have no potential and will never be able to do anything and thus you won't. You see, our mind is a very small but powerful tool, if used effectively it is probably the best weapon a person has.

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