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You had finally arrived at the given address to your new home. All you had was a suitcase, seeing as to how your parents didn't give you a lot.

You knocked on the door, and a boy with a green hoodie and chocolate brown hair opened the door. "Hello! You must be Y/N! I'm Edd. Why don't you come inside?"

You nodded your head politely, and stepped inside. "Thanks Edd! It's nice to see a friendly face around these parts. To be honest, your the first person I've actually talked to since I got to London."

"Your not from around here?" He asked. You shook your head no. "That's great! We can show you some of our favorite places! The arcade, the bar, the cafe..."

"Wait, we? There are other people living here?" You asked.

"Oh, right! I forgot to mention I had other roommates! I hope that's not a problem...?" He stated.

" N-No! Not at all! I guess it would have just been nice to know there were more people. But it's okay, I don't mind."

"Great! I'll call them down. GUYS! THE NEW ROOMMATE IS HERE!" he screams.

You hear some shuffling from upstairs, and three boys come down. One was very tall, with ginger hair, a purple hoodie, and a green overcoat. He was looking into a mirror, admiring himself.

Next in line was a shorter man, with light brown hair, a blue hoodie, and, no eyes? Maybe he just has black eyes... you thought. You noticed he had a flask in his hand. Must be a drinker...

You then looked to the third boy, and froze. You knew this man. You recognized him easily. The horn hair, the silver eyes, not to mention the red hoodie. It was him.

The Red Leader...

"Hi, I'm Matt!" Said the tall ginger. "Edd! You never told us the new roommate was a girl! I can do her hair, her makeup, her nails..."

"Matt, leave the poor girl alone. I doubt she wants someone she just met doing all these weird things to her." Said the one with no eyes. "Anyway, I'm Tom."

You looked at the Red Leader. He looked at you with a stern face, but then smiled. "I'm Tord." He said, holding out his hand for you to shake. You refused to take it. You noticed he had a very thick Norwegian accent. You were a sucker for accents.

"Hi guys! I'm Y/N. Uh, thanks for letting me stay here, by the way. It's a really nice place."

"Its not much," said Edd, (hehehe, that rhymes!) "But it works."

"Edd, I'll take her to her room." Said Tord, grabbing your suitcase from your hands, which you just allowed to happen. He started walking upstairs, and you followed, remembering to keep your distance.

You arrived at a F/C door, (favorite color) and he opened it up for you. Inside, there were some F/C walls, with the same color bed sheets, a nightstand with a red lamp, and a wooden desk. Tord set your bags down, and started to walk out of the room.

"Wait!" You said. He stopped in the doorway,and looked towards you.

"Yes?" He asked, making his accent go under your skin, giving you goosebumps.

Ok Y/N, if you want to intimidate him, act like you ain't takin' no nonsense.  You thought to yourself.

"I just thought you should know," you said, bravely. "That if you ever try to do anything stupid to me, or the other guys, seeing as to how they probably don't know who you are, I will cut you down, limb from limb, until you are nothing but bones. Got that?"

He looked at you, dumbfounded. He hadn't known you knew who he was. "So, you know who I am then?" He asked, a smirk on his face. God, you wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off his face... with a gun.

"I do." You stated proudly, yet not proud enough for him to notice.

He walked over to you, chuckling. He pulled out a knife, and pinned you to the wall, pressing it against your neck. You kept your poker face. (Lady Gaga has left the chat.)

"Let's get one thing straight, darling." He said."I dont need you running your mouth about me being Red Leader, so I'll make you a deal. You keep this secret, I won't slit your throat in your sleep. Understand?"

You didn't answer. Instead, you need him where the sun don't shine, making him fall to the ground, obviously in pain by how hard you kneed him. You grabbed the knife from  his hand, and walked back over to him. You flipped him over to where he was now on his stomach, and pinned one of his arms behind him, slowly pushing it upwards, causing him more pain.

He used his free arm to push himself upwards, causing you to fall back onto your butt. You quickly stood up. He sent a fast punch to your face, but you quickly dodged it, just before he hit you. He decided to do a high kick to your chest, but you blocked it by crossing your arms over where he was gonna hit you. He stared at you in amazement. You decided to drop down, and judo-sweep him. He went tumbling down, and he didn't get back up. He just stared at you, mouth agape.

"What?" You asked. "Never got beat by a girl before?" You smirked. It was kinda funny. You, a girl who has been abused by her family her whole entire life, had just beat the Red Leader. A man who has killed innocent people, and was slowly succeeding in world domination.

"Wow..." he said, amazed. "I actually did not expect that out of you. You're a pretty good fighter."

"Thanks!" You replied. "We should probably head back down. The guys must be waiting.

Tord nodded his head, and you offered your hand to him. He took it, but you did all the pulling. He stared at you, noticing how strong you were. You just smirked and walked downstairs, Tord following close behind.

"Hey, what took you guys so long?" Edd asked.

You two looked at each other. "Oh, uh, Tord here was giving me a little tour of the upstairs, and giving me some ground rules." You said quickly.

"Oh, ok. Well, 'The Cats' is on, and we got popcorn! Why don't you two go and sit down with Matt and Tom. I'll be right there.

Both you and Tord went to the living room. Tord sat on the couch with Tom and Matt, and you sat on the floor.

What a strange day...

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