Who to Trust?

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Thanks so much to moonstone1221 for helping me and giving me an idea for this! Really appreciated it!

Okay! On with the story!

You were watching tv, at around 10 pm. Everyone had gone to sleep, except you and Tom. You had noticed Tom and Tord fought a lot, and decided to ask him about it.

"Hey Tom..." you started.

"Yeah Y/N?"

"Why exactly do you hate Tord so much?" You asked.

"Well, many reasons. Hes a person you can never trust." He answered. You paused for a moment.

Never trust?

But he...

He helped me.

Why wouldnt I trust him?

"So, I'm just going to warn you right now. So listen, and listen carefully." He said, looking at you dead in the eyes.

The movie you two were watching no longer held your interest. You wanted to know where Tom was going with this.

"Never. And I mean never, trust Tord. With any secret, with any claim. He will hurt you in one way or another."

"So... should I stay away from him? Because hes..." you paused, and gulped. "Dangerous?"


You just sat there like an idiot, looking down trying to process all this.

"Okay." You say. "I'll stay away from him."


Not feeling up for the movie anymore, you went off to bed.

Hes dangerous.

He kidnapped you.

Probably wanted you dead for holding information on him being Red Leader.

He doesnt care about you.

So then...

Why did he kill your dad?

Help you in the hospital?

Because he doesnt want to look suspicious, that's why.

He doesnt care about you...

No one does.


Tom could be lying?

But why would he?

Gah, which can I trust?!

I dont know what to do...

Theres nothing I can do.


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