Chapter 1: POV Annabeth

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I saw him around the corner in his typical high school fashion. Some T-shirt with a band on it, a leather jacket, and a pair of jeans. His hair was slightly damp from his swim practice. His arm was wrapped around his girlfriend, Rachel while he was laughing with his friend, Jason. He's always been annoyingly hot. And as the years progressed he just kept getting more attractive.

His eyes slipped to mine and we made embarrassing eye contact. He winked at me and I dropped my gaze, blushing. I hated myself for giving into the charms of Percy Jackson, but I couldn't help myself.

I've had annoying school girl feelings for Percy Jackson ever since I was 12. I can't control my feelings when I see him, I just find myself staring at him for a while. I avoid my feelings by pretending to hate him. But that's just my way of hiding my pinning.

These feelings are so dumb and I remind myself that these distractions aren't helping me get good grades. If I don't get good grades I don't pass, if I don't pass I don't get into college.

After giving myself a little pep talk, I finish loading books in my bag and slam my locker, heading off to class.

First period: AP bio. I start to overthink whether I put that book in my bag. I look at my phone it's still passing time I have
3.46 minutes till I have to be in class. I quickly turn around almost crashing into Nico who I had no idea was behind me.

"Damn Nico! You're way too quiet!" I yelled as I made my way to my locker again.

"Sorry," he apologized, following me to my locker, "weren't you just at your locker, Annie?"

"Yes, but I think I forgot my AP bio binder in my locker." I open my locker and it turns out I had my binder already. "Ugh one of these days my OCD might actually kill me."

"Yeah well, you don't have that severe of a case, and it can help you to be extra safe." Nico said trying to comfort me.

"You see that doesn't really help much." I Respond.

Nico's been my friend for a while now. He's one of my only friends. He earns the title of the stereotypical gay best friend, but hey it's true. He finally came out last year, which was a long time coming. I mean, most of us knew that he was gay. We both spent hours looking at Percy Jackson pictures when we were 13 for crying out loud.

We both had AP bio together and we typically sit together. But as we were walking to class he says, "Oh by the way, yesterday me and Will Solace both got in detention together (Long story don't ask) And after we went to Starbucks and really hit it off. In other words, Sorry I'm ditching you."

"Damn you Nico. Fine, whatever go sit by your boyfriend."

"We haven't officially been on a REAL date. I barely count yesterday as a date." He replied as we walked into the classroom.

I sit in the front of class by myself. It doesn't matter. At least this way there are no distractions, and no distractions means good grades. Good grades means college. College means finally leaving.

At lunch I sit next to Leo and Nico at a picnic table outside. I try to read and eat at the same time as I do my homework. It wasn't doing the best.

"Annie, Oh my god, did you hear?" Piper walked up to us and sat down across from me.

I was much too busy to pay attention so I didn't really understand what she was saying until Nico shouted, "HELL YES! He's out the clutches of that bitch."

"Excuse me, what's happening?" I asked dropping my sandwich on the plate and closing my textbook.

"Rachel and Percy broke up. In front of our entire Stats class!" Piper said in a gossipy way. I raised an eyebrow indicating she should continue. "Mr. Q was letting us have a few minutes at the end of class to work on our homework. Of course most of us just looked at our phones while talking. And so Rachel turns into such a whiney bitch about how Percy spends too much time with other girls and his other friends. So Percy was like, 'I don't complain about you going out with your friends why are so down on me.' And so she was like, 'you go out with girls! You lead them on.' And they went on and on like that. God, it was like they didn't even know anyone else was in the room."

"Holy shit! How did the classroom respond to this happening!??" Leo jumped in.

"We were all embarrassed. I felt sorry for Percy. You could tell he wanted her to shut up but she couldn't keep her mouth close. At the end of there argument he just got up said, 'I don't have to deal with this shit from you. We're done.' And left." Piper finished her story off by taking a bite out of my sandwich.

"This isn't the first time they've broken up," Nico said, "they'll probably get back together."

"I don't know, he seemed pretty pissed off." Piper replied, taking out her phone. "Wow he really doesn't take time to wallow over his exes. Percy's throwing a party at Jason's house for himself."

"We should go!" Leo suggested, "Come on, we barely do anything as a group anymore. Can't we have fun?!"

"We have fun." I answer, "things that happen at parties are a) illegal b) not fun c) leaves you feeling dead the next morning—"

"Says the girl who has never loosened up to actually go to a party." Piper interjects, "you've never done anything fun in your life. You care too much about school. I love you, girl, but you need to loosen up. As your friend, I must tell you that you need to stop being the good girl and go to the fucking party."

I glared at Piper but didn't say anything.

"Piper's right." Nico said. "Annie, you've barely taken a break since the beginning of the year to focus on your social life. All you care about is studying for the ACTs."

"I'm feeling attacked." I admitted. Taking a breath, I though about what they were telling me. All I want is to get a high enough score to get into a good college so I can get away from my stepmom and stepbrothers. I know they are right, though. I could use a tiny distraction.

"Fine, let's do this."

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