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i hear the doorbell ring downstairs, i have a feeling its kenma outside my front door. she is a few minutes early, but that is not a big deal at all. i cleaned my room two days ago and have been looking forward to meeting her again - especially after all that happened at the garden a few days prior. 

it's a bit weird, still. while cleaning my room i found my old phone, in it, i found so many old pictures of kenma, ones that look so unfamiliar now. in them kenma is dressed in oversized clothes, hiding under hoodies and such, bare face and no smile - just the way i used to know her - but looking at those photos now... almost feels like i never knew that person.

as i start walking downstairs i can hear my dad opening the front door. shit. i forgot to tell him anything, well, not forgot, more like i didn't tell him because i had no idea if kenma was comfortable with me telling this to anyone else. i still haven't figured out my dad's stance on lgbt or anything - so i must mentally prepare myself to protect kenma with my entire being.

i almost trip and fall as i run downstairs only to find my dad and kenma talking, from the distance i could barely hear what they are discussing, but as i get closer i see kenma smile. oh, that smile. her smile makes me melt from the inside, especially when you can see her dimples form - i am truly a whipped man. 

".. this is a very nice dress, by the way" i hear my dad say, "where did you get it? i want to buy it for tetsurou's mother", he follows up. 

"oh, there is this obscure store down the road, not sure about the name but it has bright blue led lights, can't miss it" kenma answers, her fingers playing with the fabric of the dress. this one is... very different from the ones she wore before - its a dark blue velvet dress, above her knees, hanging on two thin strings draped on her shoulders, the fabric is tight in some places, loose in others - i might just lose my head if i keep staring.

"dad!" i yell as i approach them cautiously. 

"tetsurou, you should have told me kenma was coming over," he says as he turns to me, i can't see a speck of anger or disgust on his face.

"oh, sorry, i forgot... kenma, feel free to go up to my room!" i say cheerfully and watch as kenma takes off her heels and happily disappears somewhere upstairs. i am still down here, i need to talk to my dad. he looks at me for a second before sighing loudly.

"shouldn't you be upstairs with kenma?" he asks. 

"i... i should be, but not until you tell me how you feel"

"feel about what?"

"about... kenma, obviously. you saw her, aren't you surprised? didn't you teach me about masculinity and such?" i ask, my dad simply snickers and looks at me.

"i did but didn't i also teach about respect? if that is his decision then so be it"

"her decision"

"yes, sorry, her decision. listen tetsurou, i know that your mother and i taught you many things, but we are also still growing and learning and with the way the world is changing we couldn't help but change too, especially since you are gay, or i guess actually bisexual"

"wait, i never came out to you"

"well, you did now" he laughs and starts walking away from me. "now go be with your girlfriend"

i blush at his words, how dare he mock me when i hadn't even asked kenma out yet - i should do that, shouldn't i? i wanted to wait more, but these feelings inside are eating me and i need to express my never dying love to kenma. i may have doubted it for a second, but i know how deeply i love her. 

as i finally get to my room and open the door, my jaw practically drops at the sight. kenma is sitting by the window on my comfortable window seat, legs crossed, the sun is shining in the most perfect way, illuminating all the tiny flaws and perfection on her face. she looks at me and smiles. "finally, i have been waiting" she says.

"sorry, had to ask my dad something" i manage to say, but i can feel my knees giving in. 

"are you okay?" kenma asks as she stands up and walks closer to me, with each silent step i can feel my joints turning into jello. finally, she reaches me and places her hand on my cheek. "what's wrong?"

"i just... can't get over how beautiful you are" i say.

"... you flirt", she giggles, but the tension is just right, it's time.

"kenma... i'm sorry if i overreacted before, i'm sorry i made you feel bad, i know now how foolish i was - seeing you like this brings me so much joy, seeing your smile makes me smile too", i start talking. i can feel kenma's gaze on me as i inhale deeply. "so i wanted to ask something"

"what is it?" kenma asks. i reopen my eyes and take her hands, i squeeze them just slightly. 

it's now or never.

"kenma, you are one of the most amazing people i've met in my entire life, but i feel like i've gotten the taste of the real you only recently. i think about you at every given minute, the sound of your voice occupies my head for days on end. i find myself wondering about you, i want to know even more about you... i want to know the things no one else will ever now - so tell me, kenma... would you be mine?"

there's silence.

"it's okay if you decline, maybe you're not ready yet and i am willing to wait - i just like you so much that i cannot contain myself anymore. you are my one and only"

i can't read kenma's facial expression.

"and... if you love someone else, i will support you... as long as you are happy i am willing to do anything"

before i can say anything i feel kenma's lips on mine, they're so...soft. my arms, instinctively, wrap around her body as i pull her closer.

"i think my answer is clear" she whispers in between the kisses...


Been a while since I wrote a confession scene.

Anyway how are yall doing?

I hope you liked the chapter!!


P.s I have  an instagram where I post from time to time maybe you want to follow it? Same handle @hqheaven 👉🏻👈🏻🥺

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