Rain and beaming personalities

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"We Bloody hell Iris, What happened!"  she pulled up to Alex's Flat and the minute he opened the door she broke down. Iris had been holding it all back for hours and couldn't stop it now. "Alex I... I." "God never mind that get in here, you're right mad standing out here in the cold." He held his hand out to me "Well come on then, we haven't all day" he grabbed her hand pulling her inside. It was warmer than she thought it would be, creating a strange tingly numbing feeling all over her body. "Iris what the actual fück" he sounded distraught while he turned down the music he was playing on his record player. She sat on one of the stools in his sort of kitchen, or as close as a flat like his could get to one. She was completely unable to offer up with a reason for standing on his doorstep in the rain crying. "The Eagles again Alex ? I thought you said you we're too good for them" She teased with an attempt at a light smirk. "I plead momentary insanity leave me alone" he defends striding back to his record player and increasing the volume. Alex was Iris' best friend he always had been, since year 3 when she decided she didn't like other girls and he decided he didn't like other boys. He'd somehow managed to hang onto his horribly thick British accent for all of this time. Honestly it was probably his parents influence seeing as he refused to leave the house until we were sixteen and Iris got him blindly drunk on sour cherry vodka and he made her keep him at her house for 3 days so his parents would never know he drank.

"So when the hell are you going to tell me why you're asking for hypothermia in front of my flat ?" He snapped his fingers forcing her from her thoughts of old times. Iris look up at him from where she was sitting adding more rips to her already distressed black jeans with my nimble fingers. "It's him" she whispered unwilling to meet his harsh, worried gaze. He strode over to her in 3 steps and getting on his knees taking her interlocked hands in his "look at me Iris, what did he do ?" His voice filled with worry. "I... I... I can't talk about it right now I'm sorry Alex" Iris looked away from him hiding in her purple hair. She pulled one of her hands away to push up her black rimmed glasses from where they had fallen into her nose. "It's okay love" He said hooking his finger underneath her chin and forcing her too look at him. "We can talk about it when you're ready. But for now I have coffee and mint ice cream in my freezer and about 30 unwatched episodes of American horror story we absolutely have to see. She giggled at his enthusiasm and wiped away the few tears that had fallen. "There she is the girl I've spent the last 11 years despising!" He beamed excitedly pulling her off the stool and onto the couch.
     Outside the weather hadn't improved in the slightest but Iris' mood had gotten exponentially better, thank god for Alex and his shit humor and ugly chortle laugh when she shoot milk out of her nose laughing at his terrible jokes. Leaning her head on his shoulder she motioned for him to listen and went to whisper in his ear. When he leaned over she blew air as hard as she could into his ear. "DAMN IT I SHOULD HAVE SEEN THAT COMING" he jumped away while she rolled around on his couch laughing.  "Hey loser," she called hanging upside down on the couch "thanks for being my best friend". He slid in next to her and flipped upside down "no problem you arse" and flicked her cheek.

     Two days and one season of AHS later Iris felt brand new. Scrolling through local band venues on her phone she looked for something that sounded interesting. Finally landing on a band called hunny playing at their favorite coffee shop not far from Alex's apartment, and it was only $5.

Iris jumped out of Alex's incredibly comfortable bed and ran over to him in the kitchen. Proudly presenting the phone to him "this, we are doing this tonight" smirking knowing full well well he wouldn't have a say in wether or not we went. He groaned "fine," he rolled his eyes and head back "but only if we actually get coffee, and we're walking I don't want to waste gas it's a nightmare to park near there".

She jumped and did a little happy dance, "hell yeah we are! I'm gonna go shower and get ready but I'm gonna need outfit help when I get out." She grabbed her things and started running to the shower "we have like 3 hours or so, so just enough time for you to do your hair!"

She turned just in time to see him flipping her off "hmm Alex what was that?"  she teased. "Oh nothing your royal highness" he spoke sarcastically bowing and sticking his tongue out at her.

"Iris you've been in the bathroom for like an hour, Jesus come out other people need it!" She barely heard Alex shout at me through the bathroom door. With one last precise flick of eyeliner, she was finally done. Stepping back to admire her work "tonight will be good, we are going to have fun" She spoke to her reflection trying to convince herself.

She slowly turned the door handle and opened the door, all just to piss him off of course. She began to step out of the bathroom when he slammed into her pushing me out of the way and slamming the door all in one motion. "Jesus Christ I had to piss" she heard him hiss through the door. Crumbling into a heap of laughter she couldn't stand back up for a full minute. He came creeping out of the bathroom hitting her with the door, "so outfits eh?" He dragged her up and into his room where he presented me a wardrobe full of black. "Alex, you always wear the same skinny boy biker outfit why are you even asking?l Iris rolled her eyes, he was too easy. "Unless you're gonna let me put some prints on you this time?" She asked excitedly holding up a zebra print collared shirt. "Well I was just going to put you in ripped black jeans, and my lime sweater. So do whatever you want." he explained pulling on his jeans. She walked over and pulled the sweater out of the closet "oooo I love when you use color" she smiled.
"Alex your hair looks fine can we just go, I swear I've never spent this much time on mine and neither should you" Iris batted at him hanging from the couch. "Fine Iris I'm done if it'll make you shut up" he flicked my head and walked to the door. She swung her legs up and walked to the door hip bumping him out of the way and opening to a chilly October evening. Iris bowed and extending an arm out the door speaking in her silly British accent mocking his own " why you first your great majesty". He stepped out and She kicked him in the knee and they play fought exchanging blows the whole walk there.

Side note !
Alex is Alex Turner lol I forgot to mention that, and the reason this part is so long is to preface their whole friendship so you can understand it and what all goes on later
Thank you so much for reading !!

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