Grave Keeper: Chapter 6

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Hello, I am back again.


Of the twenty-two students in class 1-A, only twenty had passed the exam. And only twenty went back to UA with Aizawa— Gray and Astolfo had ended up branching off from the class to go and have lunch with Gang Orca and Chiron, much to the Erasure Hero's annoyance, but there wasn't much he could do. Chiron was with another Pro-Hero and class had ended for the day. He could only be vaguely annoyed about it.

At lunch, Gang Orca— or rather, Sakama as he had told them to call him outside of work— had told the three of them that it was a shame that Bakugou and Todoroki failed, but the reasoning behind it was sound. Bakugou didn't have the merits as of yet and while Todoroki hadn't been at fault for Inasa's recklessness, he had still been a part of it. There was little that the other judges could do.

Sakama was a good person to talk to about the less "sparkling" aspects of heroing. While he wasn't an Underground hero, he was more than familiar with dealing with the underbelly of society. Sea Trafficking, drug trade, and just more brutal parts that weren't televised... he certainly knew what he was talking about as the hero and Servants discussed a number of topics over lunch.

Of course, the laid back and nice feeling from the lunch that afternoon was soon overshadowed by one of exasperation and guilt as Gray ran after Toshinori to Ground Beta. The blonde man glanced at her as she materialized in her battle attire, scythe in hand. He seemed to think for a moment before he nodded, turning his eyes forwards again.

"You're faster, stop those two," he grunted and she nodded, taking off at a faster pace. It didn't take her very long to reach Ground Beta after she left her Master's side. The sound of fighting echoed in the area and she grimaced. Of course, those two would end up fighting right after the exam.

Bakugou and Midoriya were quickly becoming two reasons why her stress levels were reaching new heights (though how much was bleed off from Toshinori, she wasn't sure), tying with Todoroki.

She leaped up, scaling the buildings in Ground Beta and making her way to where flashes of light and smoke were seen. Both boys were yelling at the top of their lungs at each other as they fought and she stopped on a building close to the two. She needed to break their fight up, but any openings she saw were quickly covered with an attack from the other boy.

A flash of blonde coming down the street made Gray sigh a bit. She grimaced not a second later as Bakugou blasted Midoriya and when the smoke cleared, he was holding the other boy down by his face, panting. Blood, bruises, and burns covered them both

"That'll be the end of it, you two," Toshinori said and they both turned to look at him as he walked over.



"I'm sorry," Toshinori said, "For not realizing it." He glanced up, sighing. "What happened to putting a stop to them, Gray?" She blinked before dropping down and walking over, much to the boys' surprise.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't fast enough," she admitted, shifting Add back into his cube form and putting him away. Bakugou 'tch'd, turning away from them.

"Now you... All Might..." he spat, silent for a moment.

"Why Deku?" he asked Toshinori and the man blinked. "Ever since the time with the sludge villain, why was it this guy?"

Toshinori sighed.

"Despite being powerless, he was more of a hero than anybody else," he told him, "I judged it was my responsibility to help him stand in the arena and not you who had long already been standing in it."

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