Grave Keeper: Chapter 12

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The GudaGuda event has tired me out a lot.


The atmosphere in the room was still very heavy after the two boy's declaration. Circe didn't exactly care about that, but she did have to admire the boys' spirits and determination.

This meeting was a bit interesting, though she did wonder when the far more interesting part would come. Leaving her island to deal with the illegal drug that Chiron had initially pulled her over for when Gray was hit with it had been interesting enough, and then learning more about these bullets in this meeting? Well, she was starting to think that it was time to get back involved with the mundane world a bit more.

Admittedly, when Chiron had contacted her after ages of no word from him, she had been pissed off. The two got along, but she wouldn't have ever considered each other friends. Since she had returned, she never left her Island unless she needed to— which was rare— so to be suddenly called away to deal with arrogant humans who had forgotten about the original heroes? Well, it wasn't any mystery that she wasn't overly fond of the modern world, she had voiced as such in the Second Grail War that she and her master had obviously won. Her wish, similarly to Chiron, was to be back to her old self— Immortal and happily back on her island. The ageless Nymphai Aiaiai who had attended to her— the ones that were still around, that is— had rejoiced in her return.

Greece knew of her and never bothered her at all, and she briefly met with Chiron when he joined her in the ranks of Immortal Servants (well, more immortal than before, Servant status and all that) of Greece— life had been good.

She had kept up with the world wars (ha! as if she'd get involved!) and the evolution of man. Quirks held her attention for a bit, but not very long, and she was fine with not having to deal with the human world.

But her anger at being pulled from her island had melted away when both she and Chiron had found out that the drug and bullets had something to do with both Quirks and Magecraft.

She had instantly become more interested.

To be fair, who wouldn't? Most Mages refused to believe that Quirks had come from magic. Most Quirk users didn't even know that Magic existed. It was a new territory for Mages.

And Circe watched everything from her Island.

She wasn't wholly sure if Quirks came from Magic and Magecraft— since there were those with Quirks, those without, those with Magic Circuits, those without, and those with a combination— or if they were simply another mutation of sorts.

It was certainly a mystery.

And, while the drug that Chiron had her look at with him didn't do that much in pertaining to Circuits, the bullets that could destroy Quirks and overloaded Magic Circuits only perked her interest even more.

And made the mystery about Quirks an even stranger one.

"You boys have a good attitude, one that a lot of Heroes could take to heart," All Might told the green-haired and blonde-haired boys and Chiron nodded in agreement.

"However the fact remains that since Eri is the sole factor to this operation, she'll most likely be at the center of their stronghold," he continued. "We'd have to breakthrough. And, ah, by we, I mean the rest of you... Sorry, but all I can do is make sure Gray's at full power. We don't have confirmation on her location."

Gray shifted next to Circe and the Caster tapped her cheek with her fingers as she rested her head in her hand.

"That's exactly the problem," Nighteye said, leaning forwards on the table slightly. "We have to finish them with one blow, if we don't then they'll get the chance they need to counter-attack."

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