Grave Keeper: Chapter 7

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Mirio! Mirio! Anywhoo~ I have no idea what today is. But this was written ahead of time and I finished editing it so yeet.


Gray wasn't sure what to expect when Aizawa said that the twenty-one students of class 1-A (Bakugou not included, since he was still under extreme grounding) would be hearing from upperclassmen with firsthand experience on the hero workshops. She vaguely knew about U.A.'s "Big Three" from Chiron and Toshinori, but even then, it was minimal. Names and Quirks, mainly. Astolfo didn't know much else aside from that, either, and Add was unhelpful.

She should have expected a fight, knowing how U.A. functioned. After Amajiki's failed introduction and Nejire's hyperactive one, Mirio had suddenly decided that they were all going to fight him in Gym Gamma. For a fight.

"We've got experience fighting villains too, you know," Kirishima said as Gray held Add up. The Mystic Code disassembled before it reassembled into a scythe and she spun the weapon, resting it on her shoulder in silence.

"Am I to interpret you all worrying about us that much... as you see us as nothing but small-fry?" he continued and Mirio nodded without hesitation. Astolfo summoned his lance in front of him and grasped it, resting it over his shoulder.

"Yep!" the blonde said, "Feel free to come at me from wherever and whenever you want! So, who's up first?!"

"Cocky, ain't he?" The Rider asked, stretching his legs a bit. Kaminari scoffed as he sparked, but Kirishima perked up.

"I'll G—"

"I would like to go," Midoriya cut in and the redhead slumped.

"Now that's a surprise, Midoriya..." he groaned and Gray pat his shoulder.

"Don't let him steal the spotlight," Astolfo told him with a grin. "Let's just attack all at once after Midoriya, mm?"

Kirishima perked back up at that as Mirio spoke to Midoriya. "Sounds manly, 'Stolfo!" the redheaded boy said with a toothy grin.

Astolfo flashed his a thumbs up and the boy activated his Quirk, bashing his fists together before entering a recognizable Pankration stance. Ojiro and Satou following suit before all the others joined them. Gray spun Add again, her cloak flaring out before she shifted into a fighting stance as well. Astolfo glanced at her as he saw a spark of orange in her eyes.

It had taken weeks of nearly nonstop training to re-perfect her divination abilities, but she had done it. She had extended beyond Spiritual Possession and the need to be asleep to see the past and future.

While it was true that Servants had their perimeters set in stone, the four Servants that Astolfo had dubbed the 'All for Four Squad' had all recently realized that only Astolfo was bound to those limitations, and even he bypassed them when he changed Classes.

Chiron had been released from being a Servant when he regained his full, half-titan status as a pure immortal. His Servant Perimeters and abilities had staid but he wasn't bound to the concrete status like the Rider. He was an odd in-between, Musashi had remarked, something that once was a Servant, but was now beyond it entirely.

Musashi and Gray, on the other hand, had an abnormal status. One wasn't supposed to be in the Grail War originally. The other was a different version of a Grail War Servant. Gray had been summoned as an extra Servant that would break away and assist Chiron in dealing with All for One, but Musashi wasn't the same Musashi that was summoned from the Grail War. She was a different one who had been suddenly "spirited away" to their world during the I-Island incident. She was a Servant still, she could tell that much, but she felt a bit off. Like she could still get stronger and that nothing was set yet. She also didn't know how much longer she would be in this world with them.

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