Grave Keeper: Chapter 15

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Voyager is so cute.


Overhaul swayed on his feet after he sent Gray flying back, crashing into a wall.

"Because people are endowed with these things called "Quirks" they can dream," the leader of the Yakuza said, "Dream that maybe they can be someone who matters... they're all sick in the hea–" he was cut off as Circe started to giggle. It was startling to say the least, even more so as she tossed her head back in an even stronger laugh

"Oh my," she said after she calmed, landing in front of him. Gray pulled herself back up to her feet, wiping her mouth as Mirio turned, holding Eri tightly in his arms. "Sick in the head? Is that what you're saying?" she asked before she flicked her hand. A gust of wind caused the bullet case to float over to her and she picked one up. She removed the outer shell, showing the needle-like bullet.

"What does that make you then? You have a Quirk too, right?" she continued, her smile never leaving her face as she spoke, though it had a sinister air. "So how about it, Chi-sa-ki~? If you plan to rid the world of Quirks, stick yourself with this. If you do, then we can fight on fair, Quirkless grounds."

"Fair?" Overhaul spat, "Quirkless? Don't make me laugh, girl. Everything you've done isn't 'Quirkless'."

Circe giggled again before flinging the bullet at the case and then blasting it with lightning. "About that, boy," She sneered as the case and bullets laid charred and shattered on the ground, "You seem to misunderstand something about me. See, unlike you, I don't need a silly mutation to make me powerful. This is a world that was created unfair from the start. I haven't changed from the Age of the Gods."

Overhaul's eyes widened as Mirio and Gray came out of nowhere, Mirio leaping over Circe and Gray low to the ground as they both slammed into Overhaul.

"Focus on your opponent," Gray said, green eyes blazing.

"And predict their next movement! You're no match for us, Overhaul!" Mirio added, teeth grit.

The Assassin swung out with her leg, nailing Overhaul in the gut as Mirio punched him in the face. The blonde dodged his outstretched hand, countering before Overhaul had to back away from lightning sent his way by Circe. Mirio landed back by Circe, the Caster holding her staff out in front of her as Gray knocked Overhaul's legs out from under him. She dodged a strike at her own legs before leaping up and landing by Circe and Mirio as well.

Circe shifted her staff, thinking before she snapped her fingers, wings twitching.

"Mirio," she said, "Midoriya is on his way here, as soon as he arrives, take Eri and leave."

Mirio nodded as Chisaki stood again, twitching.

"I'm no match for you all, is it?" he asked. "You wanted to save Eri? It's all because of people like you that the sickness is pleasing this squalid age! I'll sure all the delusional people like you, with Eri's power!"

Chisaki slammed his hand onto the ground and as it erupted into spikes again, Midoriya broke through the wall. He leaped forwards, nailing Chisaki right in the face with a punch and sent the man flying as Eraserhead and Nighteye burst in after him.

"Nighteye! Secure the girl!" Eraserhead said before their eyes landed on the three of them.

Nighteye's eyes widened as Gray turned suddenly, grabbing Mirio and Eri. With surprising strength, the girl threw the two at the two men. There wasn't any time for the two, nor for Mirio and Eri to be startled at the Assassin's strength as she turned back to Chisaki.

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