Grave Keeper: Chapter 14

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 PLEASE BE CAREFUL OUT THERE, GUYS! Also I forgot what day it was again and so this is a bit late.


Overhaul wasn't cute at all, nor was he handsome.

In short, Circe was unimpressed.

She liked Fatgum, and Sir Nighteye was attractive as well. Not to mention that Eraserhead (Aizawa, whatever name he went by)— she'd love to have those three as part of her collection of piglets, but this boy?

That mask really didn't do him any favors. He might've been cuter without it, but that wouldn't change the personality.

"I'd appreciate it if you could hand over little Eri," she continued, "Or else next time I won't miss."

"Somehow three children have managed to get here," the one with the hood said, and Overhaul nodded.

"None of you should have been able to traverse the path leading here so quickly," he agreed. Circe smiled, her wings flicking again before feathers shot towards the two Yakuza, one grazing Overhaul's cheek and cutting it.

"Call me a child again and I will kill you," she said. "We took a shortcut to get to you two pigs. I'll say it again, please give us Eri."

"I'm afraid I can't do that," Overhaul said, twitching a bit as blood dripped down his cheek. He seemed to steel himself, starting to turn around. "Because that boy turned a blind eye last time, so she no longer sees him as a Hero."

"That's why I came here," Mirio said, clenching his hands at his sides. Overhaul sighed.

"There's just no getting through to you is there? let me tell you this in simple terms," he said as the other man turned as well. "Just die."

Circe swung her staff up suddenly as Mirio made a dash towards Overhaul. Gray knelt and slammed Add down on the floor, the scythe transforming into a bow. Circe's smile never left her face as her staff smashed into the jaw of a man hanging onto the ceiling and blue bolts slammed into a second, knocking a gun from his hands as Mirio took off down the hall after Overhaul and his accomplice.

"Gray, go," Circe said as she landed and the Assassin hesitated. She turned, giving her a nod before the gray-haired girl seemed to understand.

Overhaul was the bigger threat and Circe was more than cappable of taking care of herself.

The girl took off after the Hero-in-training.

"Hyayayaya, do ya think that ya can take us both down, little girly~?" the shirtless member of the Shie Hassaikai asked as the black-clad one.

"I wonder how you managed to realize where we were?" he asked and Circe snorted.

"In all honesty, you're hardly that sneaky. I've dealt with inebriated soldiers more stealthy than you are," she said before she frowned. She had said that without thinking?

So it was forced from her.

Her lips curled upwards into a sneer— this would be fun.

"I told your boss that if he called me a child again, he'd regret it, the same goes for you," she said slowly as she flapped her wings again. "Here's a secret I'll let you in on— unlike the heroes, I don't care about that whole code of no killing. You insulted the Queen Witch and I don't plan on letting that go."

She flew up, grinning broadly as she pointed her staff at the two Shie Hassaikai members as they quickly leaped into action.

"And a note for the future if you survive this," she said, as a magic circle appeared at the end of the staff and the two of them rushed at her. "Try to remember to never offend a witch. Machia Hecatia Graea!" She chanted as violet light gathered and shot from the magic circle, blasting the two Yakuza members.

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