Grave Keeper: Chapter 13

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Quarantine has made me lose my mind, but the USA said "let's open back up!" so you know. Wash your hands, kids.


Gray's internship had changed.

While Midoriya's internship was still under Nighteye, Gray's had shifted to working under Circe and Chiron. Working independently from the main group of Heroes for the Shie Hassaikai raid, the three of them moved from place to place across Japan taking out smaller branches of the yakuza group during the night. The other Heroes moved alongside them to other locations, staking out and checking on other hideouts and organizations, but the three of them were the ones who were flushing out smaller hideouts. It wasn't enough to alert the main branch, but it was enough to gather snippets of information— how far the bullets had traveled, how far the drugs have traveled, those sorts of things. It also kept the focus off of the heroes who were less stealthy who were doing stakeouts.

Circe seemed to be having fun at least, taking ages of frustration out on villains as she enjoyed her new status as a hero. Chiron had simply told Gray to let her be.

And so it went on for two days.

Nighteye informed them that, while Edgeshot hadn't been at the meeting and Jeanist had sent representatives, both top Heroes had to drop the mission as something had come up.

It was regrettable, but Edgeshot (and Musashi, inevitably) had gotten caught up in what was a case that might be Magus related and were taking it cautiously with Musashi at the lead. Red Beryl had told them that since Edgeshot was out of his usual area, the Best Jeanist group had to pick up their patrols to cover for the loss of the top hero and the others he took with him. She did assure them that she would have the others stake out and take care of any Shie Hassaikai bases in their areas. Other agencies who also could not make it to the meeting but got the details agreed to do the same, but the power vacuum remained— Edgeshot leaving his usual area and Best Jeanist still out of commission was a heavy blow to that district.

That said, with the loss of Astolfo and Musashi as allies left the group with at most three Servants to help recover Eri. It was more than enough, Circe had claimed one night

as the two of them sat and watched Chiron take down a few thugs. Even with her words and despite taking out the Yakuza's outside reinforcements, Gray remained unsure about the outcome of this fight. It wouldn't be long until action was taken, in fact, Sir Nighteye had just contacted them. It was a simple message, telling them to meet in front of the Shie Hassaikai's main base in the morning.

Part of her was nervous. She was more certain than ever that this was where Sir Nighteye would get killed and she knew that she couldn't let that happen. On the other hand, she was determined to get Eri.

Eri reminded her of her own situation back when she was still in her home village. Neglected, abused, and used by her own parent... her body being used to become part of something she didn't want to be.

If everything went according to Nighteye's plan when getting her back, all the better.

But the said plan had split the trio of Servants up.

Chiron would be moving with Ryukyu's group, covering the rear guard with her, Nejire, Uraraka, and Asui. Upfront, Circe would be with Gray in the Nighteye-Fatgum unit. Gray with Nighteye's group and leading the charge while Fatgum and Circe would provide front support should the Nighteye group need to fall back.

The Caster seeming more than fine with it. Gray suspected that she was figuring out a plan to get Fatgum from the Hero work and docile on her island.

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