Grave Keeper: Chapter 10

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So I pulled Chiron from the Apocrypha event and it was great.


Normally, students weren't supposed to be out passed curfew— save the ones who were working with the heroes they were inturning under— but Gray was an exception.

She didn't exactly have a reason to be in the Kansai district, other than she didn't want to be in the dorms and dealing with Midoriya's gloom, Bakugou's rage, and Todoroki's indifference. It was quite suffocating, if she did say so herself.

That, and Add was bugging her to let him go and eat.

Aizawa had been irritated to bend the rules for her, but relented when she told him that Add's preferred food just so happened to be the spirits of the dead. And Kansai had over thirty temples to choose from. Restless spirits that would be there to feast on and if she didn't get them, then the Church would deal with them— or they'd go rampaging.

The Church was very meticulous about it, but there would be spirits that got overlooked.

The Erasure Hero sighed before signing an off-campus form and shooing her off after she got additional confirmation from Nighteye, Chiron, and Toshinori that she could enter combat.

It was nice to be out alone instead of following someone around or being watched. The night air was nice and Add was finally satisfied after they visited and cleansed three shrines.

It was nice.

Gray stretched as she walked through the streets. She still had time before she told Aizawa she would be back. She hadn't been to the Kansai area before and there were so many things to look at. The street vendors were nice and understood that she was only looking, one of them calling out to a large hero as he walked passed on the other side of the street. Gray glanced over, blinking as she saw Kirishima's shock of red hair vanish into the crowd after the large hero.

Then the hero was Fatgum...

If that red hair was indeed Kirishima, it would make sense. There weren't that many men who were above eight feet tall, even in this world. Chiron had said that in a Grail War previously he had met a Rider Classed Servant who had been over fifteen feet tall, though he was a strange abnormality like she was. Even so, it was rare to see people who still had humanoid forms that were over seven feet tall.

She hummed, blinking a bit as the smell of food caught her attention again. It wasn't as if she was hungry, after all, Servants didn't need to eat... but the yakitori stand nearby was starting to smell really wonderful.

The Assassin hummed, walking over to it and waving to the man running the stand.

"Two skewers, please," she said and the man nodded.

"That'll run ya three-hundred yen, missy," he told her and she dug into her pockets, pulling her wallet out. Toshinori kept giving her a sort of allowance, even though she told him she didn't need it. Shaking her head internally, she handed the vendor the coins before she took both skewers in hand. Bowing to him briefly, she headed back off as she ate, looking around.

The gray-haired girl had just finished the first skewer and was starting on the second one before screams reached her ears.

"A fight! Somebody help!" someone cried and in an instant, Add was in his Scythe form and Gray had taken off in the direction of the scream— holding the skewer in between her teeth.

In the end, it seemed as if she wasn't needed, as Fatgum and Amajiki caught the perpetrators moments before she arrived.

"Oh, hey, Gra— ah, Grave Keeper," Kirishima greeted, waving a bit as he pat Amajiki's shoulder.

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