Grave Keeper: Chapter 18- Finale

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I want to thank everyone who's reviewed, read, and/or been along for the ride here. It's been great writing this.

A small glimpse at what happens two years after Chiron leaves UA 


Dear Chiron,

It's a shame you decided to leave so quickly, but it does make sense. As a former Servant of that War, I'm sure you wanted to make sure that Young Sieg was alright with Astolfo. How is he doing? Are both boys in good health? The students are doing well here and my own health is evening out. The doctors suspect I'll still have problems for as long as I have left, but I'll probably live long enough to see the students carve their places in history! Young Gray spends a lot of time nagging me about taking my medication, I think Young Bakugou and the others have pulled her from her shell. Ah, Mirai sends his regards as well.

Your Friend,

Toshinori Yagi



You plannin' on returnin' anytime soon? Stars n' Stripes is good company, but I can't test new recipes on him. Well, wherever you are, come back before I kick the bucket.



Dear Chiron-Sensei,

We all miss you so hurry and come back for our graduation, okay? The rest of class 3-A is working hard and almost everyone has solidified what they want to do for hero business. I got first in the Sports Festival this year, though you knew that already didn't you? I'm sorry I missed your call. Anyways! Sir's been a bit rigorous when it comes to his class, but I should've expected no less. Gran Torino hasn't changed either, though he complains about his joints. Ah, there's so much more I want to write, but Tenya and Shoto are calling for me, we're meeting Asui and Ochako for a project with Shinsou— Mineta was an... alright friend, but I'm glad Shinsou's here in place of him. I know the girls are all relaxed a lot more too.

Missing you,

Midoriya Izuku



Thank you for the pictures you sent earlier this year. Those, combined with Tokoyami's way with poetry, I've got a new song in the works. Of course, Bakugou, Kaminari, and Yaomomo are helping with it, too. Everything's pretty nice now without that guy around, and Shinsou is pretty cool I guess. If you see anything else that's cool, take a picture, please?

Keep Rocking, Sensei, and come back soon,

Jirou Kyouka

( And the Band )


Archer of Black,

Get your ass back to U.A.


p.s. Eri insists that I send this friendship bracelet to you. It's taped to the back of the letter.



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