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Rainbow's POV:

I woke up and started to get ready for school. I texted Fluttershy to see if she wanted to walk to school with me and she quickly responded with a yes.

I had a big smile on my face because I had a huge crush on her since we first met. She is so beautiful, cute, and adorable. Then, I looked at my clock and went to take a shower.

When I finished I changed, ate breakfast, grabbed my keys and phone, and left. When I was outside I saw Fluttershy standing right in front of me which made me jump, scream, and fall on my butt.

"I am Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Fluttershy said worriedly while helping me up. "It's cool these things happen." I responded with a smile.

As we walked into the school, Gilda was standing in the corner looking at Fluttershy with a evil smile. "I'm gonna use the bathroom." I told Fluttershy with a fake smile. "Ok, Dashie." she responded with a cute smile as I left.

Fluttershy's POV:

As Dashie left, I felt someone's arm touch mine and dragged me. I was scared only to realize that Gilda was standing in front of me.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the weak and pathetic Fluttershy." Gilda said to me while she slapped me on the face that made my cheek purple and bruised.

"W-what do you want from me!" I asked her while she was beating me and I was welling up tears. "WHAT I WANT FROM YOU IS TO END YOUR LIFE TO HELL!!!!!" She responded to me making me burst into tears while she was beating me up with bruises all over me.

She started beating me harder then she kicked my stomach which hurt so bad. Then, she left leaving me on the ground crying.

After Gilda left, Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow found me and came running to me.

"Fluttershy! Are you okay?" Twilight asked me worriedly. "NO, NO I AM NOT OKAY!!" I screamed crying while hugging Rainbow. "Well, who did this to you darling?" Rarity asked me consernedly.

"G-GILDA! GILDA IS THE ONE WHO KEEPS BEATING ME AND S-SAYING RUDE THINGS TO ME AND SHE EVEN SAID SHE WANTED TO END ME AND SEND ME TO H-HELL!!!" I yelled still crying while Rainbow was stroking my hair trying to calm me down.

"Shhhhhh, it's ok calm down, I'll take you to the nurse and then I will deal with Gilda." Rainbow said calmingly still stroking my hair. "Thank you." I responded. Applejack and Pinkie helped me up and looked at my bruised legs, arms, and face.

"Okay, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and I will tell principal Celestia while Rainbow takes Fluttershy to the nurse." Twilight stated. They all nodded and left, leaving me with Rainbow.

Rainbow's POV:

While we were walking to the nurse, Fluttershy was still crying from what happened with Gilda. I was so mad at Gilda, that I'm going to beat her up for what she did because no one and I mean no one hurts my Fluttershy! I yelled in my thoughts then turned back to Fluttershy.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked her. Fluttershy nodded a 'yes' then we continued walking. Finally, we reached the nurse's office and I knocked on the door waiting for the nurse to come out.

After a few minutes, the nurse finally came out. "Oh my goodness!" The nurse said as she looked at Fluttershy's bruises. "How did this happen?" The nurse asked me.

"Well let's just say that, she got beaten up by Gilda while I was in the bathroom." I told her. "Have you told principal Celestia about this?" She asked me. "No, but my friends are doing that right now." I said.

"Ok, good cause Fluttershy has been coming here a lot lately probably because her I bet." The nurse said. "Wait, what!" I gasped then looked at Fluttershy who was sitting there playing with her fingers. "I'll be back in a bit." The nurse told the both of us.

The nurse left, leaving Fluttershy and I alone. "FLUTTERSHY, WHY HAVEN'T YOU TOLD ME ABOUT THIS!!!" I yelled at her causing her to tear up. "I'M S-SORRY IT'S JUST THAT GILDA TOLD M-ME NOT TO TELL YOU OR ANYONE ELSE!" She yelled while crying.

I felt bad making her cry after what she went through. "I'm sorry it's just that... You could have told me sooner then I could have done something." I apologised while hugging and stroking her hair.

Then, the nurse came back saying that I should take Fluttershy home which I agreed to, cause you know I like her and all.

We left the nurse's office and I texted my friends saying that I was taking Fluttershy home and they responded with a 'ok' then a lot of giggling emojis which I got confused about but then just let it slide through.

"Dashie?" Fluttershy asked me when we were walking through the parking lot. "Yeah, Flutters?" I responded. "Thanks for taking me to the nurse." She said while giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Anytime Flutters." I said with a big smile on my face, blushing a light pink like her hair with one arm wrapped around her with her head on my shoulder.

A/n: Sorry this isn't good I couldn't think of anything and I sorry this was late, I have been busy with school work and yeah I hope you love it! ;)

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