Teaming Up/ Acting Stupid

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Fluttershy's P.O.V.:

The next day, I woke up and started to get ready for school. I was nervous about going back after what happened a few days ago.

I was brushing my hair and then I got a Text from Rainbow.

~Dashie~: Hey, Flutters! I just wanted to ask u if u wanted to come over after school?

I couldn't believe she was inviting me to her house with just me and her ALONE!

~Flutters~: Sure! 😇♡

~Dashie~: Sweet! See u at school and don't worry about Gilda, I'll deal with her ;)

~Flutters~: I try, Thanks♥

~Dashie~: Np! ;)

I put away my phone and continued to get ready for school.

~Time skip to when she gets to school~

I walked to the front door of the school feeling terrified, until someone taped my shoulder making me jump a bit.

I turn around seeing Rainbow waving at me. "Hey, Fluttershy." She greeted me. "H-hi." I stuttered. "It's ok, I'm right here." Dashie told me by looking at me shaking in fright.

Rainbow put her arm around me and I sighed. She open the door which made me gulp. I looked around and Gilda was nowhere in sight.

"See nothing to worry about." Dashie told me while smiling. "Yeah, right." I responded with a fake smile.

A/N: And Now, Villain Time!!!😈

Gilda's P.O.V.:

I saw Rainbow's arm around Fluttershy and it made me sick. Made me think about when me and Dash were friends and when I first bullied that piece of shit and whimp.

I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked at all of my piercings and tattoos.

"Damn, you have a lot of cool piercings." I heard someone say from behind. "Thanks?" I said as turned around and a girl who had lots of bracelets and chokers.

"Name's Lightning Dust." She said held her hand out. "Gilda." I responded and shook her hand. "So, who are you against?" She asked me.

"How do you know that I'm against someone?" I asked. "I can tell by your face." She answered.

"A girl named Rainbow Dash." I replied. "Same here." She sighed. "How do you know her?" I asked.

"When we were in third grade, we were playing dodgeball. And we were on different teams. As we were playing, I hit her in the face and she was injured real bad. She had go to the hospital and I got expelled. All because I fucking hit her face and laughed at her." She told me.

"The part I found interesting and funny was you hitting her in the face."  I responded laughing. "Same." She said laughing too.

We talked for while then came out of the bathroom. When got out there were two boys standing in front of us.

"Hey." Lightning Dust and I greeted. "Hey." They greeted back. "Who are you two?" I asked.

"My name is Soarin." The first boy said. "And my name is Discord." The second one said. "Any of you guys have enemies?" Lightning Dust asked the boys.

"Yeah, Rainbow Dash." Soarin replied. "That's three people who are against her, my god." I said. "Wait, are you two against her?" He asked us. "Yep." Lightning responded.

"What about you?" I asked Discord. "Well, see I used to like this girl named Fluttershy," He started. "I bully that girl almost every day." I told them. "Seriously?" Discord asked me. "Yep." I answered.

"Anyways, I confessed my feelings to her and she rejected me, after she told me who she liked, now I hate her crush and I hate her. So soon, I am planning revenge on her for rejecting me." He finished.

"Wow, who does she like?" Soarin asked Discord. "Take a guess." Discord pointed out. "Rainbow Dash." Lightning Dust guessed. "Yes." Discord answered.

"So we're all against Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy." I asked. "Pretty much." Discord responded. "Then, who wants ruin their relationship." I asked.

"They're not even dating." Soarin told me which made me rolled my eyes. "No idiot, we let them date for a few months and then ruin their relationship." I explained.

"Yeah." They all agreed. "Come on, let's go plan our scheme." I said. We laughed and got to work.

A/N: Back to The mane 6's life♡😗

Rainbow's P.O.V.:

The day so far has gone pretty fast. It's already lunch time and I'm just drinking my soda while talking to my friends. I was thinking about confessing to Fluttershy my feelings for her today. I just can't take the pain.

When she comes over I'll tell her. I can't wait for her to come over today. "I have tell you something after school." I said to Fluttershy.

"Ok, is it something bad?" She asked. "No." I responded. "Oh, good, see you later." She said. "Later." I replied. I walked out of the cafeteria and to my locker smiling stupidly.

I'm Looking forward to it.

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