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Jorge was throwing an after party at his condo in Vegas. Missy and Johnny disappeared and all I got was a text from her saying they were "working it out". Mona and I were pretty positive that meant they were fucking, but I wasn't going to judge. The only downside was the fact that Mona rode with Raven and I rode with Missy, so we were both carless.

Nix offered to give us a ride.

Can you believe the bitch?

If she's his girl (and that's a big fucking if) I'd expect nothing less

But in my face?

I locked my phone and gave Mona a  look, "Chill out." I told her, getting an eye roll in return.

She was upset because Amanda had gotten into the front seat of the car, leaving Mona and I to squeeze into the back of his Maserati Quattroporte. I only knew the type of car because he wouldn't stop texting the group chat photos of the interior when he was buying it.

"Are y'all cold?" Nix asked, breaking the silence that I'm pretty sure was only tense for us in the back. Or maybe just for me, Mona didn't care if he knew she was upset.

"Not in the slightest, babe." Mona replied with a slight sneer.

I groaned, sinking into my seat, watching Mona unbutton a few buttons on her dress. I'm not sure what she was doing, but I did know the thirty minute ride to Vegas was going to be hell.

"Are you good, Delia?"

Our eyes briefly met in the rear view, meaning I could just nod instead of actually answer, I didn't trust myself. If I opened my mouth I was gonna curse him out, especially since he kept lifting Anna's hand to his lips, muttering sweet nothings to her.

Looking at her profile, she seemed pretty comfy up front, a little smug in my opinion. Especially for being with a man who was fucking the girl sitting behind her and in love with the other.

My friend group sounds really fucked up, but it isn't... at least I hope it isn't. He's not in love with you. I told myself, trying to get a bitch to act normal. Taking in a deep breath, I counted to three before letting it out, "So Amy, how'd you meet this loser?" I asked, trying desperately to sound not angry.

I even added a smile, the girl turned back with a slight frown. "It's Amber."

My eyes widened, "Yo," I dragged out, "I'm sorry. Honest mistake, Amber, how did you guys meet?" I corrected, glancing at Mona who was miming shooting herself.

"I'm one of his whores."

For a second I thought I heard incorrect, or that Mona had answered for her jokingly, or not so jokingly. But no, those words came out of Amber's mouth.

I raised a brow, "Huh, so Nix, you resorted to pimping now?"

Amber and Nix started laughing at the same time, making me a little more confused and a whole lot turned off from my friend. Was he really out here with hoes? I mean, he was hot, and has always had his pick of the litter. But he wasn't the type to just sleep around, and I was under the impression that when he started sleeping with Mona there weren't many others. Maybe I was wrong? Maybe he doesn't love me, he just wants me to hop in his rotation?

Nix's next words shut all those thoughts down, "She works at Vie De Luxe. The best cocktail waitress I have." He complimented, bringing her hand to his lips again.

It was starting to get annoying, and so were my thoughts that were taking on a very jealous tone. That's why, when Mona said what she said, I almost patted her on the back.

Delia & A Trail Of Broken HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now