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"What are you doing here?" I asked, confused, mad, madly confused.

"Delia," He reached towards me and I smacked his hand, taking several steps back.

"Don't touch me." I snapped, trying my hardest not to acknowledge the fact that he looked good as hell in an all black suit. He was clean shaven, showing off the Olive tone of his skin, the strong set of his jaw. He looked every but the Indian James Bond (his own comparison, not mine). But no, who cares how good he looks? I sure as hell don't, this bitch. "You need to leave." I said after a moment of just glaring at him, so many words filling my mouth but this wasn't the time or place.

The rehearsal dinner was starting very soon and I... I needed to see Nix. Not Austin's bitch ass.

"Delia," He tried again, using his let's be rational tone that almost always pissed me off. But not tonight, not ever, Austin had no affect on me because I didn't care about him anymore. Yes, my heart still mourned the relationship I thought we had, but the man standing in front of me? This cheater? Liar? Asshole? I didn't know him. "We need to talk." He told me.

Licking my lips, I tucked the hair falling in my face, behind my ear and smiled at him. Like actually smiled, surprise colored his steel eyes, he thought I was letting him in. He took a step closer but I stopped him with a hand on his chest, "Did you or did you not fuck another bitch while making pasta on you're got damn birthday?" A slow burning anger made my words sharp, his body winced as they pierced his skin.

"I did but Del-"

"-Then there's nothing else to talk about." I told him, clasping my hands in front of me and going into business mode. It was better than cold hearted bitch mode which he saw just moments before. He frowned, his mustache twitching as he searched my face, looking for some ounce of grace. He found nothing, and when he finally realized that, his head dropped.

"I didn't mean-"

"-I've got a rehearsal dinner to get to." I told him, jabbing my thumb over my shoulder, "You should go and contact me never and maybe while you burn in hell I'll send a drop of water from heaven. But I wouldn't hold your breath." I told him as kindly as I possibly could before giving him another smile and then turning to leave.

I was furious, so much so I laughed a little, the man was bold, I'll give him that. I'm sure in his mind he thought seven months was enough time for me to forgive and forget. I'm sure he thought it would show initiative and that he was willing to fight by showing up today. My fists clenched, my nude nails digging into my palms as I made my way through the hallways and back to the reception hall.

When I made it, a hostess offered to show me to the bridal party table. Since I had taken the long way, so I could cool off, I was one of the last to arrive. There was a seat between Mona and Missy available, I quickly took it, leaning over to my cousin.

"You won't believe who fucking showed up." I hissed in her ear, Mr. and Mrs. Lions along with Jorge's father, Mr. Cortez, walking to the middle of the room to stand in front of the table Raven and Jorge were seated at.

It made me happy seeing her up there, make up fixed and hair twisted into a cute updo, sitting all close with Jorge who was saying something in her ear. She looked so fucking happy, I started smiling, her joy contagious.

"Let me guess, Austin?" Missy said like she already knew.

My head whipped towards her, I was about to ask how she knew, but then I saw him. Sitting at a table. Next to my mother. He was pretending to listen to the parents say sweet things about their kids and how they were excited to officially be in laws. He was pretending to not feel the heat of my glare as Mr. Cortez laughed as he said he was happy all those years his son spent running up a check on Raven led to a wedding and not a broken heart.

Delia & A Trail Of Broken HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now