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Compartmentalization was one hell of a skill, I've always been able to do it. I just didn't realize how well until I was standing at the alter ridiculously happy for my best friend, in front of the man I hated for shattering my heart, across from the man who was currently breaking it again. But the latter two didn't matter in that moment so I closed the door on those emotions and locked them up.

That's how I was able to be in the moment and celebrate the union of Jorge Cortez and Raven Lions. Johnny and I danced down the aisle behind Mr. And Mrs. Cortez, just as happy as can be as we watched the Cortez' stop every ten seconds to kiss. It was very sweet... and OD but I let it slide because it's their freaking wedding.

It's also how I was able to make it through the photo session. That and the fact that Johnny is fucking hilarious and kept me distracted from how distant Nix was being. As best man and maid of honor, I only had to directly interact with Johnny anyways, so again, I didn't focus on the hurt that was collecting like dust.

I even forgot about Austin's bitch ass.

So the smile on my face and the loud laugh I made as we processed out during the reception was very real. As was the joy I felt when giving my toast to the bride and groom. Sitting back down I looked at my Raven and nearly started balling, she glared at me, mouthing to stop before she started crying too.

I was on cloud nine and by the time food was served and people started dancing, I was ready to go make amends with Nix. He had left the table a few moments before to go get a stronger drink, so I set down my napkin and went to follow.

The cowl neck, satin dresses Raven had us in tonight were a lot easier to move in so I was catching up with Nix rather quickly. Nix, I don't know what happened but I'm in love with you. Was that too forward? I guess we'll find out, huh?

"Hey Nix-"

"Delia! There you are, if I didn't know any better I'd think you were ignoring me."

I was gonna punch my mother in the face. Not really... hard, just like a light tap on the jaw. I'd add a smile to soften the already soft blow but like damn woman! I was about to make a move on the guy I like, such a cock block. So I told Nix to wait one second with my eyes before turning to my mother and Austin.

I groaned, looking to the ceiling before turning to the bar to order a glass of whiskey. Oh, and to see that Nix was gone. When I turned back around I saw he had slipped away and was chatting with Mr. Lions, an actual smile on his face.

I tried not to glare at my own mother but the way she was clutching Austin's arm was pissing me off. Not that it was her fault, I hadn't told her she was holding on to an adulterous bastard.

"Hey mom," I greeted before drinking the entire glass of liquor in one go.

Mom didn't look impressed, taking the glass from my hand she handed it to some random guy that was passing us before taking my hand. "You two need to go dance! Take pictures! Have a ball because the next wedding you'll be at will be-"

"-A funeral." I muttered, trying my hardest to ignore mom's tugging as she tried to bring Austin and I closer.

"What was that?" Mom asked, giving up and dropping my hand. "It will be your wedding, now go!" She instructed, releasing Austin as well and pointing us towards the dance floor.

I didn't want to dance with the bastard, but I also didn't want to disappointment my mother and embarrass myself, so I sucked it up. "One dance," I told him, making sure to leave room for Jesus and the twelve apostles.

He nodded, "Of course, but why are you standing so far away?" He asked, pulling me to his chest with one tug.

My face scrunched in disgust, pushing him away again, "I don't want to get cheater on me." I told him simply, putting space back between us.

Austin groaned, doing that stupid eyebrow lift that he thought made him look sexy. "Baby, that was so long ago, can't we move past it? I love you." He said as sincerely as a cardboard box, his hands finding my waist and pulling me closer. When I moved to push him away again he hissed, "You're mother is watching."

So I clenched my teeth and sucked it up, glaring off in the distance, his sweaty hands burning me through my gown.

"Delia, stop being like this, I've missed you." He kept talking, but I had nothing to say, too busy calculating how much longer the song would be playing. "All of you," Austin was saying.

Again, I wasn't paying attention, that is, until his hands started drifting lower. "Don't you dare," I hissed.

As soon as the words left my mouth, his hands gripped my ass and someone whistled making Austin chuckle and beam like an asshole. I saw red, my chest tightened and I wanted to puke while bashing his head in. Instead, however, I promptly removed his hands from my body and grabbed his wrist.

"Fuck yes, I knew you couldn't stay mad forever. It's been so long, can you do that thing when-"

"Shut the hell up you musty waste of space." I spat as soon as we stepped out of the ballroom. I didn't even care that Jorge's abuelita and cousin were standing two feet away.

Austin had the audacity to look surprised. Surprised and offended, he even parted his thin lips, but I didn't want to hear shit. No, I was done, with Austin and with my mom too, even Mona could kiss my ass. Everyone, and I mean everyone, was working my nerve.

Glaring at Austin, at the man I once saw forever in, my heart broke for the girl who would've done anything come hell or high water for that man. The man who once was so brilliant and handsome, and was now just... looking stupid. I scoffed, grabbing the ring and tugging it off my finger.

I chucked it at him and turned to walk away, but changed my mind, turning back and kneeing him in the nuts, cutting off whatever he was about to say.

I marched back into the venue, determined to have a good time.

Someone was banging on my door like a crazy person and thoroughly interrupting my flossing time. Groaning, I marched from my bathroom, through my room, through my living room and to my door. When it flew open, I should've been shocked to see my mother, but who was I kidding.

"Mom, you're in New York?"

She was angry, I could see it in the set of her lip and the pinch of her brow. "Are you going to invite me in?" She asked politely, using that tone that never fails to put the fear of God in me.

I stepped back and gestured for her to enter, "Come in. Come in. How was your flight?"

"Pleasant considering my daughter had me looking foolish for the past six months." Mom deadpanned as she entered, leaving her suitcase in the hallway.

I sighed, a headache already forming, I grabbed the suitcase and pulled it inside. "Mo-"

"-He cheated."

My stomach dropped out of my ass, so instead of answering, I focused all my attention on shutting and locking my front door.

"Delia, you let me fawn over that man for six months after he betrayed you. How could you do that to me? To your father? Our family name! He-"

"-He cheated and your yelling at me?" I asked quietly, fingers still on the lock as I tried to gather my thoughts. I clamped my lips shut, not meaning for the question to slip out, but it was too late and the room was silent.

It felt like ten minutes and still, she didn't say a word, so I rolled my shoulders back. "I'm sorry mom."

She scoffed, "Turn around Delia."

I didn't want to, but I could feel her eyes on my back and this overwhelming need to cry in her arms came over me. I turned and swallowed the tears.

My mom is a strong woman, always has been. Strong and determined and capable, she handles everything with poise and grace and quick judgments that usually prove correct in the end. I was positive when I looked at her, I would see disappointment in her eyes. Disappointment because her daughter got played by some loser boy she hadn't even liked in the beginning.

But instead I saw- I saw concern and it broke me.

Be blessed!!

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