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The Kennedy's beach house was really a mansion that has seen a plethora of parties over the years. The last one I went to was senior year of college and we all ended up sleeping in the empty pool that night.

The house seemed so alive, but pulling up now, I could feel the sadness and neglect flowing off the place. I pulled through the gate and parked in the driveway before hopping out. There was no car but that didn't mean much of anything, besides, Henry gave me his key so worst comes to worst, I get to hang in the mansion. But that's not why I was here, in Cali, when I should've been working on this new project I was actually excited about at work.

Nope, I was here, on a mission and that mission was going to be complete, damn it.

Marching up the steps I unlocked the front door and entered, my breathing heavy so I couldn't hear anything. It wasn't until I relocked the doors and paused in the foyer that my breathing calmed down enough so I could hear music coming from somewhere.

I headed deeper into the house, opening the door to the basement but not hearing a thing, so I continued on. It wasn't until I reached the kitchen that led to the patio that the music got louder. I paused and grabbed a drink before stepping outside.

He was laying by the pool, one arm in the water, the other over his face. He was wearing tiny swim trunks, ones I recognized from high school, I snorted.

"I don't know whether that's impressive or sad that you can still fit those baby shorts." I said loudly, walking down the porch steps and onto the pool deck.

He was still laying there, not even jumping when he heard my voice. So I went and sat criss-crossed by his feet, my focus over on the walkway that led to the beach.

"I tried them on an hour ago and I can't get them off." Nix finally muttered, "I can't feel my dick."

I snorted, "That's not good." I turned and looked at him.

He'd moved his arm and was actually looking at me already, he licked his lips. "I heard the news about Austin finally got out, sorry he was a stupid bastard."

I placed my hand on his ankle, shaking his foot back and forth, his skin was warm, "A friend of mine once said that we all have to go through a stupid bastard to find a real prize."

He raised an eyebrow, "I never said that."

"I know, Missy did." I told him, making him smile.

He pushed up onto his forearms, "I can't keep pining after you, Delia. If you don't want me, just say that."

Don't want you? DON'T WANT YOU? Hell yes, of course I want you! I breathed in deeply through my nose and let it out because before I screamed my love from the rooftops, we had to clear some things up. "Mona."

He rolled his eyes, "What about her?"

I started tapping a beat against his ankle, "She admitted to trying to get you to fall for her."

"Seriously?" He scoffed, "Why in the fuck was she doing that?"

I looked down, watching my fingers dance along his skin. How could I have missed it? Missed how good Nix and I have always been together? I licked my bottom lip, "Because everything that's been happening with us brought up some past pain for her." I admitted, understanding the grief she was dealing with but still, the way she handled it was ass.

Raven married her high school sweetheart. I was finally getting with the one who's loved me since high school. Meanwhile for Mona, the one she loved in high school, who's girlfriend promptly called her a Samoan n-word, was living in Canada with said girlfriend turned wife and hadn't thought about her in years.

My heart broke for her but she also broke my heart. So, it was still fuck her (for now, eventually I would forgive her. Just let me be mad!)

Nixon finally sat up fully, the shorts getting extra tight around his thighs and waist. "Babe, let's get you out of these things," I said, getting super concerned because he was bruising.

"Delia," He said instead, bringing my attention back to his face. "What's been going on between us?"

Those damn honey eyes, oh man. My heart melted in my chest, and not for the first time since Mona's confession. I wish I could be back at that bonfire... my eyebrows jumped, an idea popping into my head.

"Senior year, graduation bonfire, you and me were sitting on a log, getting melted marshmallow off our fingers." I recounted, seeing when the memory came back to him.

"I remember."

I nodded, "Do you remember what you said to me?"

"Yeah, that-"

"-Wait," I placed a hand over his lips, "Close your eyes." I instructed, seeing his confusion but begging him with my eyes for him to just go along with it.

Finally, he kissed my finger and closed his eyes. "Okay, what now?"

Ugh, this beautiful, beautiful man! Imagine what our life would've been like if I hadn't walked away? Where would we be right now if I had kissed him like I'd wanted to?

"Delia?" Nix asked, one eye open.

I blushed, "Sorry, close em," I instructed, my fingers ringing each other out. "Okay, can you feel the heat from the fire? Do you hear it crackling?"

He cleared his throat, "Not really."

I smiled, "Okay, but do you remember how you felt in that moment?"

The smile that took over his face was breathtaking, "Of course I do. Johnny and Jorge had just finished talking me up. I'd been looking for the perfect moment for me to tell you I loved you and we had all decided that it was finally time. I was excited, we were going off to college and it meant I could pursue you without Mona always being right around the corner."

"Oh wow," I whispered, "I never knew that."

"Of course you didn't," Nix muttered, cocking his head. "You turned me down. Actually, you walked away. I think I would've much rather have heard you say you didn't like me. I over analyzed you walking away for years."

"Why didn't you... never mind," I shook my head. Why didn't he ask for clarity? Because the next time I saw him I acted like nothing had happened. Nixon was smart. He knew I wasn't ready to handle what he'd told me, or in the very least, he didn't want to get rejected again. I took in a deep breath, "Can you tell me how you feel about me again?"

He opened his eyes.

"No, close-"

"-I need to see you, Del," He said softly, reaching up and grabbing my chin. He smiled, "I love you Del and I've loved you since we hung out at Jorge's and you beat me in a race by tripping me." He chuckled, I had to smile back. "I want you, have always wanted you. I'm sorry I started messing with Mona and made things complicated. It's always been you. Do you think we could go out sometime?" He asked, cocking his head and doing that half smile and everything.

Oh! It was just like at the bonfire! Minus all the part about Mona, of course.

I took in a deep breath, just like I did then. The strong desire to grab his face and make love to it came back too. This time, however, I wasn't going to be the same stupid bastard and I was actually going to put myself first. I was taking what I wanted, and what I wanted was Nix.

I leaned forward and kissed him, kissed him smack on the lips.

The baby love birds 🥺 Aw!!!

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