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The last time I cried in my mother's arms was sixth grade and this white boy made fun of the size of my nose and lips. My mom held me as I sobbed and then we went to the spa and she spent the whole evening pampering me and forcing me to realize how beautiful I truly am.

That day was a turning point for me, just like it was now, fourteen years later. She held me and we talked. She heard me out, allowed me to wallow for all of five minutes before she built me back up, stronger than before. The next morning I woke up to a full breakfast and a cup of rejuvenating tea. She had to leave that afternoon, but she made me swear never to keep secrets from her again.

I forget often that even though she's a badass and my boss, she's also my mother and has the biggest heart in the world. At least when it comes to me and the girls- speaking of, I was meeting them for lunch and I was very nervous.

Why? You may ask - well, let me break it down for you.

Day of the wedding, we were three peas in a pod. Night of the wedding, shit hit the fan with Austin but I pretended non of it happened. Next day, Raven and Jorge flew off on their honeymoon. Same day, Nix ignores me and this weird moment in the elevator happened between Mona and I.

Since then, news of my broken engagement got out and Mona went radio silent. Then, two weeks of honeymooning later, Raven texts Mona and I saying to meet her in Manhattan for lunch.

A lunch which was today.

I groaned, rolling out of bed and heading to the bathroom so I could shower. Once I was clean, lotioned up, and smelling good, I threw on some ripped mom jeans and a cropped hoodie before making my way to the bistro Raven had pinned.

"Hey love, I'm pulling up now, but it looks like an apartment building."

Raven laughed, sounding blissful as hell, "Come to the roof." She instructed before hanging up with a giggle.

I would've been annoyed but she was still high from being in Jorge's face on a sandy beach for two weeks so I'd let it slide. Finding a place to park, I made my way across the street and into the building. I was confused for half a second until I saw the signs indicating Joan's on the rooftop.

I rode up, trying to breathe deep and not think about the last time I saw Mona. I mean, who says that shit? Not that it was particularly spiteful but... I shook my head, stepping off the elevator.

You know what? It was more about what she didn't say that's been bothering me.

I huffed, my freshly pressed hair flying all around me. When I reached the table Raven was seated at, I set my bag down and started squealing. "Hello Mrs. Cortez! How yah feel?" I asked as she shot out of her seat and into my arms.

We hugged and squealed together, "Babe, I feel so damn good!" She exclaimed, making me laugh.

"I'm surprised you can walk, I know Jorge gave it to you the whole two weeks." I smirked, pinching her side.

She swatted me, jerking away and giving me a look. "Let's just say, not a surface or room went unchristened." She winked as I took my seat and she did as well but had to stand up immediately because Mona arrived.

I was thankful, after their moment, that Mona sat down instead of hugging me. "Hey," Was the greeting I got with a slight lift of her cherry red lips after two weeks of not hearing shit.

Not that I cared, I just wanted to hear about Raven's trip.

"So, tell us everything please!" I pried, "Spare no details."

Raven stopped eyeing Mona and I, she definitely knew something was up, and started squealing again. "Oh em gee," She launched in starting from the wedding night.

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