Friends with Benefits.

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I woke up.. a hour earlier than i usually do and that is because i have to cover my fucking hickeys that Jaden. yes THE Jaden Hossler, and i know what you are thinking. why?how?WHEN? well it started over the summer, two horny teens at a sleepover in vegas with their parents. They had their own room because thier parents trusted them. Like alot, plus jadens parents really liked you. And you parents really liked Jaden, they always thought you too would end up together. But it was a saturday night, both your parents were down getting drunk somewhere. And you to only  being 17 and juniors, couldn't do anything  for obvious reasons decided to play truth or dare and from that day on. Friends with benefits happened, your parents still do not know. Its been 2 months, many hickeys and promises were made in those 2 months. But little does Jaden know, Or so you think. You started to get feelings, today is the first day back to school. And like always you were at Jadens, the previous night occured in your head on repeat

*last night*

Jaden: y/n i love you.

Me: i-i love you too.

*back to present day*

Maybe it was the lust talking. But maybe it wasn't, you sat up stretching trying not to wake the boy who you madly love but doesn't know it yet. You got up and went to the bathroom and hopped in the shower, yet again the previous night occured in your head again while singing in the shower. Not realizing the boy who was sleeping was now behind you listening to your voice.

Jaden: goodmorning my love.

Me: aHH wtf oh my god. jaden dont scare me.

Jaden: im- *smirks* damn i left some good ones last night. But about last night, i ment it.

Me:  you didn't mean it. it was the lust.

Jaden: no y/n    y/m/n    y/l/n.  i am madly in love with you. i have been before vegas. i thought maybe starting this would make you see. But the more it happened the more i thought you just wanted sex, so i brushed it off.

In the moment i knew. This  is the boy i wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

Jaden: also please do not cover up those today. i want the world to know you are MINE.

Me: what about are friends? yours and my family.

Jaden: let them know y/n.

Lets just say its been 5 years now. we  have a 2 kids and another on its way. 1 boy and 1 girl, jaden hopes its another  girl i hope its a boy. And thats are love story.

Jason:daddy how did you meet mommy?

friends with benefits.


yes i know the ending is kinda werid, but what i was going for was like there life story playing out kinda like a flash back with flash backs. Then in the end it ties together? im sorry if it didn't make total since. but peace out angels <3

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