Chapter 7

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A/N: i know, i know and im really sorry. i got too caught up in everything and stuff. sorrrryyyyy.

RECAP: There are four kingdoms, water, air, earth and fire. fire took over and is allies with air. Genevieve is the daughter of the king of the water kingdom. On her birthday, she leaves her world to venture out to the earth kingdom


Genevieve was lost. After miles of trekking paths that were flat, smooth, and similar, she decided to take a rocky, unused path. It had been a mistake. Her eyes traveled over one bush or tree to the next. They all looked the same. Whirling around, she stumbled on a stone and cried out in surprise. Genevieve righted herself and looked about. There was no one. There was not a breath of wind nor a hint of the stars. She felt a prickle of fear and unease run through her. She would have to find out of the woods quickly - it was almost nightfall.

As Genevieve continued to wander aimlessly around, she soon reached a fast moving brook. Genevieve sat down on the grass by the brook and tried to think of a plan to get out of these never-ending woods. She then realized that there was a huge brown figure in the brook. Genevieve stifled a scream as the creature slowly lifted it's head up and its fierce yellow eyes stared right at her. It was a bear. The large brown bear slowly lumbered towards Genevieve. Snapping out of her shock, Genevieve scrambled to get up and tried to figure out what to do.

She had just made up her mind to run for it when a figure stealthily dropped out of the trees. She screamed in fright.

"Shh," it said. It was a man. "I'm not dangerous."

"Who are you?" whispered Genevieve, collecting herself.

"We're a bit preoccupied at the moment, don't you think?" smoothly he added, "I suggest we keep the introductions till we aren't in immediate danger." Before Genevieve could counter his cocky reply, the man grabbed Genevieve's hand and slowly backed away from the bear. "Don't make any sudden noises," the man whispered his breath soft. His whisper sent shivers down Genevieve's spine. The bear turned around again and the man froze. "Don't move."

After a few moments of intense staring competition, the bear lumbered away in the opposite direction. Genevieve let out a breath that she didn't realize she was holding. As Genevieve turned around, she saw that the man was gone. Genevieve froze in panic. What if she couldn't find her way out of the woods? There were probably worse things in the woods than a bear. Genevieve scanned the entire area until she located the man walking through the trees, deeper into the woods. He turned around and Genevieve noticed that the man was beckoning for her to follow her. Well, Genevieve thought, It's better than sitting out here like a lost person. And anyways, he saved my life. If he decides to be a serial killer or something, the palace guards will probably arrest him or something. I just have to stay alive until they find me. The thought of her savior being a serial killer made Genevieve smile, reassured, as she followed the man through the bushy and green trees of Gíinos. 


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