Going into town

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Willa pov

Me and the wolves are waiting  for my little  twin brother Wyatt  and we saw him and I called out WOLVES HE IS BACK

He went to to other  wolves to get his mark and his moonstone.

What did you find out I ask

They saw you howling willa he said

So I said

We are exposed and showed me picture

Hmmm  looks nothing like us waytt we  have way better hair than that

Stop being  a worry wolf brother I only said awoooo it like saying chowOr aloha or I will rip you throat  out anyway who cares what they think its a terrible town 

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Stop being  a worry wolf brother I only said awoooo it like saying chow
Or aloha or I will rip you throat  out anyway who cares what they think its a terrible town  .

We have to find the great alpha he said

If there even is a great alpha

Willa We saw her in the forest she  had  the white hair

Probably just the light

She is real and she is going to lead us to the moonstone and you know we don't have much time more and more of our pack are getting sick our  necklaces are almost out of power we need to find the moonstone

And when we do we can recharge our necklaces and stay  wolf strong another 100 years said wynter

Okay even  if  the girl is the great alpha how  do we find her  I ask Wyatt

I found this in the woods it's hers  her replied

Well track her down with our keen sense  of smell  wynter say.

It says Seabrook  high on It So I thought we might just look there  Wyatt says

I groan okay fine we f8nd the girl and if she is the great alpha  she'll  tell us where the moonstone is hidden

We go in the morning

We go tonight  I challenge my brother

He backs down and say  tonight works 

And the wolves howl

And they already went into the vent  and waited for the next day to come 

So I skipped  the song cause I did  not feel like writing it  even though  this  is my favorite  song  but I hoped you enjoyed this and I used  up to 356  words in total in the chapter.

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