i only hope he knows i am sorry

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willa pov after me and wyatt walked out i felt so broken i couldn't even talk when wyatt asked if i was okay  

I sneered at him and said how can I be okay I just lost my mate  my other half I was meant to be with one that was okay for who I was so no I am not let's just go meet up with the back and get this over with I said while walking away from him I wanting  to be alone  so I went to the forest 

I looked around to make sure no one was there I broke down crying how could I do this    I felt this beat in my heart and sang

I finished  the song I had more tests stains and more tears than my eyes had before  I heard a twig snap I look behind to see Wyatt he just walked up in silence   and pulled me into  a hug and let me cry in his shoulder while rubbing his hands  up and down my back   he has never seen me like this before I had always been the strong one out of both of us  that's why I was alpha

it's okay willa you will get him back I promise he said while hugging me tighter 

I miss him so much I feel like I can't take this  and it's only been an hour I am not whole anymore   I want him back I want to say sorry tell him the  reason of why but I can't wy I said sniffling like 4 year old   I stopped crying but it turned into sniffling

I gasped

is this what he is feeling right now  and I did it i caused it Wyatt   i say I went back on to full crying now

hey hey it's not your fault it's dad's  okay  I will help you get him back after this sibling promise and  if I am being honest you kinda did the right thing you saved him from dad and if he doesn't get that then he is not the one for you  said Wyatt with reassurance in his voice

how do you know what to say  to make it better that was my job  and to tell the truth when needed  and opinion's I said while giving him a punch on the shoulder and whipping my eyes

watching and learning from you he said while giving me a shove back

I laugh  that is right  I say

come one we have to fix up you makeup before we meet the pack  he siad while helping me get up we somehow made our way to the ground with me clinging  onto him

we walk side bye side but with one  his arm around  my waist  so I wouldn't fall

I know if I can't get back up I  know I have Wyatt to lean on for help  and to get me right back up again Bucky my have been my mate but Wyatt is my ROCK    I don't know what I will do if I lost him too .

hope you like this chapter I added the lykensen siblings to it  to tell willa she is not alone in this  she has her brother to help .

word count :   548

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