part 2 geez of I should have listened to willa

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Bucky  pov smut warning

The kiss soon turned into a heated moment

WILLA I think I got an idea if you are up for it I said

Without warning I tilted her chin up and she was looking at me for a moment before my lips meet hers

Softly at first almost hesitantly  making sure she didn't want to back out but she didn't pull back only deepened the kiss between them and she ran her claws  up and down my shoulder

Soon much like everything became  full of passion bordering  on violence full of nips her lips and tugs on her hair to make her moan it be came a competition over us to see who was in charge and neither of them wanted to lose

Willa was currently straddling her mate  or well me in this case ,that's when I decided  ii was my turn to be in CHARGE grabbing her by the hips and I moved to flip her over  but I forgot how small the couch was so we both found are selves on the floor with a thud

We both stopped for a moment to try and figure out what is happening I looked at her to find her looking at me we both smiled and bust down in laughter

Maybe we should move this some where else said willa between  laughs

So I picked her up and up the stairs to my room

In my room I still didn't want to give up my control over her so I flipper her over I was on top soon I was pinning  her to the bed

Before willa can even fight for it I found my lips to her neck     and  began to suck   she gasped and moaned    i kept going down till  i reach her shirt  and ask if i could take it off  and she nodded  and i did like lighting  speed and sucked on a nipple  and played with the other one  to make her groan 

i think she was needy cause she started to beg for me 

did i hear that right is the alpha wolf of the lykensen pack begging for my attention i said to her face 

shut up asshole and she grabbed my face and looked at me and said in 

and i waste no time   but i can't give her what she want already so i pulled down her pants   not even asking for permission and   rub my heal of my index   and i felt  something wet she was looked down and   i saw a spot on her panties and that was a big turn on for me  so i took off her panties and flung them somewhere cause we are not going to meed those  anymore and i stated to lick at her  i already tasted some pre cum i went her bud and went down to her folds  i put  2 fingers inside her  doing it at a slow  pace  and she   just clinched around  and that made me go faster into her  then she  climaxed  and say

Bucky please  I need you she said

if  she didn't look at me with those  wolf  eyes and begging and me really wanting her right now I would have kept teasing her I pulled down my pant' s and plunged into her she hissed  but  is went in and out in a slow pace so she can get use to it  and when she did a went a bit more faster and we both moaned 

faster  faster Bucky she said while looking into me  with the alpha eyes and I did  just that she was getting tight    and closer she started to rub herself

close she said while in gasps

me too I said  as I felt my self getting closer to the edge

even  though I would love for her to have my babies now is not the time for that maybe later in in the future of our story   I pulled out and came  and so did she

we just laid next to each other breathless

I love you willa lykensen I siad while pulling her into a another kiss

I love you too after she broke it 

and we fell asleep in each other arms

I know I have not updated  this in
in like a life time   but I am back for this story too  well I hope you all enjoy this  who all wanted me too update this for you I finally did  let me know how this chapter was .

word count : 760

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