heart break ,the election

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Bucky pov  I just stand there  frozen still looking at the door   willa just walked out of    feeling  broken  is this what Addison felt when me and the acey's did  last year with the zombies and having her seprated  from zed 

I felt someone hug me from behind  I didn't even know Addison was still there   she dragged me off  to the bench  so we can sit down in the hall

do you want me to drop kick her or punch her Addison asks

I chuckle 

no I think I just want to be alone right now  I said  while looking down trying not to cry

okay and hey I am always her cousin she did while putting a hand on my shoulder and giving it a tight squeeze and then left me to be in my

why why would willa do this I thought she liked me maybe I was wrong

I then heard  feet rushing I looked up to see  the acey's  looking at me

Bucky what are you doing said Stacey

nothing  I said to her  question

they let out a loud shreak i had to cover my ears 

where they like this all the time 

you have your election bucky said lacey with eyes lashes batting 


i forgot you know i am just going to let zed win i said now laying down on the bench 

you are going to let those monsters win said jacey 

they should be barried under ground staid stacey while getting a high 5 from lacey 

you know let's go i said walking to where the election was being held took a deep breath  and walked in doing my jazz hands  and a big smile on my face even though i was crying on the inside  willa told me she would be here with me hoping i will win cause she hates zombie boy  now i think that is not going to happen  why couldn't the acey's just leave me alone to wollow in my heart break i want ice cream and to watch movies 

well enjoy this chapter i know it was small but whatever   what else should i updaye i am already going to do a williza one shot and willa run away , willa x addison ,wyna which one should i do next  

word count : 388 

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