sorry geez I should listened to willa ,wolf pack go protective of alpha

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Bucky pov I was at home in my bed room and I heard a screech sound so I went down stairs and i didn't see anyone and I went to open the door and I saw claw marks on it man my parents are going to be so mad but wait till i tell them about willa oh boy but I shacked that from my mind and went back in side and I saw all the wolves there eyes were all glowing

Please don't hurt me don't blame me that I am always looking like a snack o said to them and they all smirked

Did you really think you will get away with it said Wyatt walking around me in circles

Did what I say confused

Just ask our alpha wyatt sister me ans jason cousin to be your girl friend with out our permission to do so said Jacob growling at me

Okay I am sorry I know I should have o was going to continue then I got thrown on too my dining table and that hurt like a bitch like I don't know what

Get up said a voice I got pulled by the shirt and was now sitting at on the couch all the wolves were looking at me again like what did I do to them in get that I should have asked but dann this is not right

Now we just have a few questions for you said waler and I am down right scared and I gulped down hard like It's my last gulp before I be rip to shreds and my blood splattered

We will let you date our alpha but next time you pull this shit we will kill you ASS and put a cap in it no cap PERIOD said Jason

And keep her away from so let Mabey we can learn to like you said Jacob

You have to ask us if it involves willa said wynter

And if you hurt my sister I will not hesitate to rip your throat out and rip you too shreds I don't care what my sister's says we will kill you said Wyatt

I couldn't say anything because Wyatt had me in a hand hold by the throat so I just nodded and I put me back on the ground and I am trying to catch my breath

Good wolves let's GO said Wyatt and he kicked opened my front door and they left and I heard A voice

Bucky where are you said willa and she saw me and rushed to me and helped on the couch

Are you okay she asked me

Do your wolves do this everyone who dates you I said

You are my first boyfriend cause I had to stay focused on being alpha said willa

Well I am happy to be a first but damn you wolves they pack a punch I say

Told you to ask them that's ehy you should have listened willa punching me the shoulder and I wince

Sorry did I hurt you said willa putting her hand to her mouth

No babe you are fine taking her hands from her moth to mine and said

I love you I will go to through all of that again just to be here with you but umm would they have killed me I said

WILLA chuckled and said no BECAUSE they would have to deal with an angry alpha and they will not to see me like that and i love you too she said with her badass smirk and wolf self

I just kissed her and she kissed back

Hope you will love this and enjoy it and

Word count: 620

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