well my day keeps getting better and better

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willa pov   i look to my side to see wyatt sleeping still after he went back to back trying to help the sick wolves he really needs it i got out of bed i have to go back to school to tell ms. lee that we are not going back to school 

i slip out of bed and went to my closet and putting on a  outfit nothing too much  though 

i just got done putting on my necklace along with my moonstone no matter how much i wanted to stay in bed i have to do this  

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i just got done putting on my necklace along with my moonstone no matter how much i wanted to stay in bed i have to do this  

i made  my way outside to see all the other wolves sleeping i smiled at all of them and pulled up the blanket on a wolf pup and he snuggled into it so cute  i walked out of the den just looking at the beauty of it this is going to be the last time i ever walk these woods and this forest has been  my home since i was born and i am going to be the one leaving it wow   but i will miss the long walks me and wyatt and our dad did when we were just pup's 

i pulled up to the school in a matter of seconds without using my wolf speed   i see kids walking around i sigh and walked in the students still ran fro me even without me snearing and growling at them i heard cheer from the  caftiera so i went there to see bucky ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ and lacey kissing so much for me feeling bad for him  i am now full on alpha mad   and i thought that he would still be sad about the break up but he moves on wow wtf  there was  even a fucking   banner  saying would you go to prawn with me  and bucky said yes and lacey kissed him again he is mine perky  okay that's IT i bust through the door  all eyes were on me and it's like the time was stopped bucky was looking at me   i didn't even look his way i jump onto the table and yanked down the banner there was gasps  i didn't pay any mind to them anyway in the first place i turn back  and yelled 

WHAT i yelled i felt my wolf side tell me to    turn around i did and it was an apple coming at me fast i rolled my eyes human's i  cought it with one had and asked  they didn't move so i asked again  but in the voice i used a long time ago when we  were in hiding and we had this land for ourselves  everyone pointed to the back i looked to see white hair she camed forward  and said what are you going to do about it 

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