sick , we have to fix this

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willa pov  i was woken up when someone slammed the door i look up to see wyatt and dad 

great why can't he leave me alone he runied my life already i saw  wyatt with food it made me snarl 

hey hey wait you been in here all day  without food  said wyatt  and gave it to me i smelled it it made me sick and ran to the bathroom and threw up 

what is that i said 

meat said wyatt looking at the food on the plate  then coming over to me putting a hand on my back and  pushing  my hair back 

dad looked at me with curious eyes  insted or helping me some dad he is 

bucky pov i was stuck feeling regret but the other  side is  mad did she lie to me i was her first right  i felt this pain i just punched the closet thing to me    that was the lockers i didn't even feel the pain or the blood or the gasps behind me 

i look to see the acey's   addison ,zed , bree , bonzo ,  eliza , 

bucky said addison in a whisper with hands over face  

i am fine guys i yelled they  jump back   in surprise   i walked pass them   bumping into zed 

major heart break mode said eliza  

we have to fix this and  i think i have an idea how  to do it  said zed 

no we don't he is with me i am much better said lacey 

stacey , jacey , addison , eliza , zed,  bonzo , bree sign and face palms  and shake  their heads 

sorry for this poor chapter 

word count : 281  

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